Showing posts with label — Polly St George will never promote Crypto or NFTs (@FringeViews) September 25. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Polly St George will never promote Crypto or NFTs (@FringeViews) September 25. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

MUST READ - Bret Weinstein's brother, Eric, wrote a document for the United Nations in which he maps out how to lower wages in developed countries by bringing in economic migrants.

William Ramsey highlights one if Weinstein's economic and logical flaws. 

"The problems of “ghettoization” and issues relating to “long-term native shortages” are brought up by Weinstein as known consequences of the redistribution of income away from native populations, but at no point are these problems expressed as reasons not to force economic migration upon target populations. In this United Nations document, Eric Weinstein specifically pushes Marxist ideology concerning the redistribution of income and wealth, which benefits economic migrants at the expense of the native populations."