Showing posts with label — OpenYourEyes (@HiddenTruth707) August 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — OpenYourEyes (@HiddenTruth707) August 6. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Smart Mark? Be Independent. Be Sovereign. Be Ungovernable.

You don't need or want more coding in your life from a 3rd party communist entity or any 3rd party.  Run your life, and your biology by your own code. Don't let some international conglomerate put anything into you . . . ever.  How did we go so quickly from Biblical warnings about the mark of the beast to a Smart Mark? Every word phrase or slogan marketed by these globalists means just the opposite.  They've learned how to hijack the sacred language of the Bible and use it in their marketing to appeal to Christians to get them on board with their demonic plans.  There is no sweeter victory for these ghouls than to subjugate their moral and mortal enemy.  Smartphones don't make you smarter, they make you more dependent, more trackable, and more easily controlled.   Smart Marks will only turn man, who is made in the likeness of God, into mutants. Don't diminish yourself.  Please.