Showing posts with label — One Bad Dude (@OneBadDude_) January 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — One Bad Dude (@OneBadDude_) January 5. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

ZAFIR: there’s nothing that guy can do to touch those politicians personally. He can sue the government and get taxpayer money, but they can do anything they want and are immune from prosecution or civil suit.

Some background

Not a redress.  Not a legal resolution.  Tyrants being served.  Tallulah explains, 
I looked this up, district court dismissed the case stating they did not exhaust their administrative remedies. But Chief Blanchard resigned to take his old job which begins January 6th in Sinton. 

All of this makes for entertaining court drama, not to mention the risk of having an arrest on your record, but in too many cases it always feels like someone is trampling your rights, but the judges rarely concur.  I was almost bitten by someone's pit bull.  I called an attorney because in my escape from the jaws of the land shark, I had nowhere to go but up on top of my Honda.  I found myself standing on my 2000 Accord roof, while the pit was angling to find a route up to me.  The result was that I dented my roof.  I tried to sue for damages because of the lady's dog.  The attorney told me that I'd have to be bitten first for any damages to occur.  So shredding of flesh was required for the law to be broken.  Nice.  The law is not always on your side.  

You Smell That? Yep at least cites a law.  Whether it has standing in this case is another matter, 

In March 1964, the Supreme Court issued a 9–0 decision defending the principle of wide-open debate will inevitably include "vehement, caustic, and...unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials." He is right, they are wrong. 

And it's Zafir that makes the coup de grace, 

The problem is, there’s nothing that guy can do to touch those politicians personally. He can sue the government and get taxpayer money, but they can do anything they want and are immune from prosecution or civil suit.