Showing posts with label — Jessica Rojas πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’ͺ (@catsscareme2021) July 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Jessica Rojas πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’ͺ (@catsscareme2021) July 19. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

From a developmental Immunology perspective, it makes no sense to vaccinate babies in their first year of life because they don't have an ability to generate antibodies.  So we are administering drugs to stimulate antibody production to babies who can't make antibodies, and I said that that doesn't make any sense.  And I asked the immunologist, and she said, "Yes, that's true.  There is no benefit," and this is from the pro vaccine immunologist, "there is no benefit to vaccines given before age one, first birthday." 

00:30. Wakefield, can you give us any insight into why they would do that if they know on an immunological basis there's no merit to vaccination in the first year of Life why why do you think or has anyone provided you with any insight as to why they would do it? 

00:48 that's a great question.  That was the follow-up question to one of the naturopaths was then why do we doing it you know the natural path steps up to the mic and addresses the immunologist and said well from what you're saying the science is clear that vaccinations scheduled in the first year of Life have no benefit then why are we doing it was the follow-up question and she said the vaccinations are given to Pediatric Wellness visits the well baby visits and if the vaccines were not part of the well baby visits then you would have a hard time getting the parents to bring their kids in at the 2, 4, and 6-month visits if not for the vaccinations.  And so what she was saying was that the only purpose of the 2, 4, and 6- months Well-Baby visits was to deliver vaccinations, and the rest of the visit, you know, measures the head,weighs the baby,  measures the length, charted on the gram, was sort of, this is what was implied, was sort of window dressing.  But the real purpose of a Wellness baby visit was to administer vaccines.  And she said that if we weren't getting the vaccines, then we wouldn't get the parents to bring the kids in for the 2, 4, and 6-month, and so it's actually more of a training thing, those vaccines given at the Well-Baby visits.

02:06. So what we're talking about here is immunological loss leader first year of life to increase their . . .

Absolutely so the idea is just get them used to getting vaccines like to train them to show up and and get vaccines even though these vaccines aren't doing anything it's just to get you used to you know here's my baby give him get him the vaccines and go on with your day so that you do that for the rest of your life