Showing posts with label — Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 (@jeremykauffman) September 16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 (@jeremykauffman) September 16. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

HEALTH RANGER: People who claim they are "with the FBI" are not sworn FBI agents. They are contractors hired to try to frighten people

Health Ranger writes, 

Every person should learn from this video. People who claim they are "with the FBI" are not sworn FBI agents. They are contractors hired to try to frighten people. This is a classic sign of a tyrannical regime that's out of control and attempting to suppress free speech by intimidating innocent Americans. The FBI has become a den of thieves and a whorehouse against justice. 

Yeah, when the officer on the right gestured with his badge on his belt, that's not showing ID or showing proof that he's a sworn agent.  A picture, badge number, employee number, city where office is located, and still I'd want to see some card-carrying ID like a driver's license.  Sorry, in a low-trust world, or a low-trust environment, I don't talk to too many people declaring that they are "officials" of anything.