Showing posts with label — Adnan Belushi (@adnanbelushi) March 23. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Adnan Belushi (@adnanbelushi) March 23. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Covid-19 inquiries will be conducted by most countries around the world, including New Zealand, so what data is most crucial? @JohnBeaudoinSr breaks it down

5:13  The staff in the eldercare facilities didn't show up to work.  So they had half the staff.  So they were either sick or they were afraid of catching it from the old people.  Now, if you're 90, 92, 95 years old,  and you're supposed to walk down the hallway 50 feet twice a day that bears weight on your legs, especially on your calves, your calves when the muscles constrict, they push the blood back up.  Now, if you tell a person who is 92 or 95 years old, "Oh, just lay in bed and put this mask on your face.  We don't have the staff to walk you down the hallway.  Maybe in a couple of weeks, we'll start walking you again."