Thursday, November 16, 2023

DAVE SMITH: The Middle East has suffered 1,000s 9/11s at the hands of US foreign policy.

Here is the full debate.  

My first real look at how retarded Laura Loomer is. 

Dave Smith is destroying the inflammatory Laura Loomer with facts.  He cites the 1947 UN charter that allocated 56% of Palestine via the British Mandate to the Zionists, who prior to the charter owned about 10% of the land.  See the 138:45 mark.  Zionists accepted the agreement, and the Arabs said no, which by the way the UN had no authority to just create nations out of thin air.  There I might disagree with Smith, otherwise, what binding value can treaties have?  A civil war broke out immediately, and Israel won.  And 750,000 Arabs were driven out of their land and never allowed to come back to their homes.  So then Israel took over 80% of Palestine.  At first, it was the UN that recommended 56% of Palestine be given to the Zionists, which they had no legitimate right to claim.  And then they took over 80%.  This was in 1948 when they declared their independence.  In 1967, Israel launched a preemptive war as they call it, and they won that again, and then they took control over 100% of it and they've had it ever since.  It has happened throughout history in war.  140:00  But, no, the entire tradition of modern Western civilization, particularly post-WWII, has been to reject the idea that you can annex territory through war.  Again, I'm not saying that we didn't do that with the Native Americans, and there were other examples that happened a lot earlier when that was more permissible.  And since 1967, both Gaza and the West Bank have been completely dominated by Israel.  And if we're going to pretend that that is not even a factor as to why there is this hatred toward Israelies and that it's just "Islamism" and has nothing to do with the policy of the Israeli government, I think we do that at our own peril.

At 141:20, Loomer cites Article 8 of the 1988 Hamas charter.  

Allah is its target.  The prophet is its model.  The Quran its Constitution.  Jihad is its path.  And death for the sake of Allah, the loftiest of its wishes.

The very beginnings of the opening statement of the Hamas charter, which a majority of the Palestinian people support, says, 

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it. 

It doesn't say until Hamas will obliterate it, it says "until Islam will obliterate it."   just as it obliterated others before

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