Monday, November 13, 2023

good relationships require hard conversations

His name is Jefferson Fisher, and he says he's an argument expert.


#1  Stop pulling.  If somebody has disengage from a conversation, let them.  Because if they wanted to be there, they would.  Don't be tempted to say ugly things to provoke them just to get them to respond back to you.  If they're stonewalling you, it's like playing tug of war with a tree.  Let go of the rope, and take care of you

#2  Be assertive.  We're going to do that by using a boundary, because this can't go on forever.  You need a backstop, and you can say something as simple as, "Your silence in this way is hurtful.  I'm fine giving you space, but I will not give you my peace of mind.  Let me know when I can expect to hear from you."

#3  and if you haven't heard from this person in a day, two days, it is a red flag to you that they're using their silence to punish you. And I don't know if you know this, but good relationships require hard conversations.  Hard work is required.  And when they stonewall you, they're silence says you're not worth the effort and that's not somebody you want to be around.  

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