Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Gulags are here, as pro Trump meme maker is sentenced to 7 months in federal prison for a joke

Can't talk about early treatments for COVID-19.

Can't talk about health benefits or anticancer benefits of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or Fenbendozale. 

Can't talk about vaccine ingredients.

Can't talk about vaccine injuries.

Can't talk about U.S. and NATO's role in starting the war in Ukraine.

Can't talk about the millions of migrants crossing into the U.S. illegally or under the guise of a refugee.

Can't talk about the erosion of privacy.

Can't talk about the U.S. government acting like a banana republic, persecuting and prosecuting political opponents or about $33 trillion dollars of debt or how hundreds of billions of dollars in spending bills are buried in annual omnibus bills.

Can't talk about poisonous genetic material and DNA plasmids in Pfizer vaccines.

Can't talk about the differences between men and women. 

Can't talk about the economic and cultural degradation of American society.

Can't tell jokes.

Everything, everything has become a 1st Amendment issue.

Here's the story.  

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