Tuesday, July 19, 2022



I like this opening by Joe Hoft, so I am going to share it: 

Dr. Birx, the woman who dressed up like a sweet old church lady and placed herself in front of the American people during the COVID outbreak and pandemic, by her own admission was treacherous and deceiving.  Birx pushed anti-American shutdowns and historic restrictions in the US during the COVID crisis.  Those same policies were later found to be ineffective in treating the spread of the disease.  Hundreds of thousands of individuals died from the virus during her watch.

Investigating government officials is like reading the Who's Who of America's Most Wanted.  From Fauci to Redfield to Debra Birx to Joe Biden to 

Debra Birx was Coronavirus Response Coordinator for Trump. Could you ever in your right mind abide by a single recommendation from a Coronavirus Response Coordinator named Debra Birx? 

Why is being psychotic the top leadership skill in the U.S. government?  Is this something that Klaus Schwab has installed?

Jeffrey Tucker writes,

Her book admits that it was a two-level lie from the beginning.  “We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown,” she writes. “At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done—a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”

One thing that Americans need to get over is the concept that government officials are incompetent.  They're not incompetent.  They're vandals.  They were deliberately destroying records through distortion, lying, official deceit, etc. to suit their agendas.  It's not so much that they are clueless.  It's that they play clueless, they play the victim after getting caught.  I mean Trump has been the most successful foil for both the Trump and Biden corruption.  

Ron Paul points out how she loves power.

She was a professional power broker.  The power she wanted was to arbitrarily regulate other people. 

McADAMS, 4:29:  It's a book of some 525 pages patting herself on her back.  But as Jeffrey Tucker points out, it's all a lie.  She's admitting in her book that she subverted the president.  She subverted the administration.  She lied, she cheated, she stole.  

RON PAUL, 4:46:  Nice person. 

McADAMS, 4:47:  And she's happy about it.  No doubt about it.  She was the force behind the ones pushing for lockdowns that she wanted but didn't dare call it that.  She was determined to call it something else (to soft-peddle fascism).  

Daniel cites this tweet,

Then Daniel posts this headline, 

SABOTAGE? – Dr. Birx Admits to Revising and HIDING Info From Trump’s COVID Team, While Altering CDC Guidelines Without Approval. 


Dr. Deborah Birx – who often appeared in front of COVID-19 task force briefings on behalf of the Trump administration – has admitted to doctoring data associated with the government’s response, as well as quietly altering the Centers for Disease Control advice without authorization, according to her own book.

"Dr. Birx admits to revising and HIDING info. from Trump's COVID Team, while altering CDC Guidelines without approval."  Well, that's because she's Dr. Birx.  Wow, the elitist mentality of these government officials.  So she alters CDC guidelines without approval.  That's some power right there.  Who's her boss, Mike Pence?  it's laughable when people say that government action isn't political.  Like when Jen Psaki swore during a press conference "that COVID-19 [and its vaccines] were not political, that she's just trying to protect the American people."  Daniel continues, that "She destroyed a lot of lives, many more lives than were destroyed by the COVID virus itself."

Ron Paul is right at 6:50, nothing about civil liberties, nothing about natural immunity, nothing of importance.  Nothing about whether a lockdown was good or bad, but only about how do you fool a people.  This typifies the Trump Administration, which selected her to be on the Coronavirus Task Force.  What a dumb paisleyed ghoul.  She settles on the number 10 for the acceptable number of people allowed in a room.  "That was too many," but claimed that 10 would be palatable for most Americans."  Do you see how condescending these government employees are?  How much contempt do they have for you to do what's right by you?  So she was against the 50 per room.  Mises wrote a book on bureaucracy, titled Bureaucracy, 1944.

Her only medical experience was with AIDS.  Wikipedia explains, 

Starting in 2014, she oversaw the implementation of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program to support HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs in 65 countries. From 2014-2020, Birx was the United States global AIDS coordinator for presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump and served as the United States special representative for global health diplomacy between 2015 and 2021. 

She was with the CDC for 9 years, from 2005 to 2014, so she's a tried and true liar and deceiver from way back.  In fact, her husband was a lawyer who worked in 3 previous administrations

Birx's husband, Paige Reffe, is a lawyer who held managerial roles in the CarterReagan, and Clinton administrations.

So, again, Ron Paul is spot on when he says that she's been in government a long time.  Not just herself, but her husband worked in 3 administrations going all the way back from 1976 to 1980.

McADAMS, 8:34, points out that Birx never talks about why she quit the COVID Task Force.  He says it's because her hypocrisy has been exposed.  But I would argue that these government turds are quite adept at managing hypocrisy.  Daniel gives her Thanksgiving deceit as an example.  After telling the American people not to have Thanksgiving on, well, Thanksgiving, she herself goes to Delaware to spend time with her extended family.  Here are the details of that deceit.  

The hutzpah.  Here is a key, visible member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force barking out orders on how to mitigate the whatever, and then she violates her own guideline?  These stooges have lost all credibility.  And by the way, no replacement of hers is going to improve on her.

By the way, even though we all know that politicians lie and that we're aware of their perennial hypocrisy, speaking out loud about their misconduct and their hypocrisy is extremely necessary because revealing their inconsistency discredits their office, discredits their statements, and discredits the government itself in incremental ways.  They seek legitimacy at all costs because they are acutely aware of their lack of legitimacy.  They will lie to attain it, and they will lie on top of the lie to cover up their hypocrisy.  

Daniel continues,

What infuriated her was when Trump brought in Scott Atlas from Stanford., where the first thing he did was introduce new guidelines, like 1) you shouldn't get tested constantly if you're well, and that freaked her out. 

She says, and this is just stunning.  She is gloating over her deceit.  This is not a mea culpa or a self-flagellation, or a tell-all.  This is her gloating over her power.  This is a playbook for all psychopaths looking to expand their power within the government or the pharmaceutical deep state. 

At 9:08, Daniel reads from her book, Silent Invasion,

This wasn’t the only bit of subterfuge I had to engage in.  Immediately after the Atlas-influenced revised CDC testing guidance went up in late August, I contacted Bob Redfield.  He confirmed my suspicions: he had disagreed with the guidance but had felt pressured by HHS and the White House to post it.  Also, many on his staff in Atlanta were still comfortable prioritizing symptomatic individuals.  Even at this late point, eight months into the pandemic, many at both the White House and the CDC still refused to see that silent spread played a prominent role in viral spread and that it started with social gatherings, especially among the younger adults.  We had to find a way around them.   

Recognizing the damage to public health the Scott Atlas-driven testing guidance could do and was doing with testing rates dropping across the country, Bob and I ["Bob and I," a phrase that captures the pharmaceutical deep state as much as any other] agreed to quietly rewrite the guidelines and post it to the CDC website.  We would not seek approval.  Because we were both quite busy, it might take a week or two, but we were committed to subverting the dangerous messaging that limiting testing was the right thing to do. 

10:20  And remember for so long we talked about Case-demic driven by imprecise PCR test, so many false positives, and here she was desperate to keep that testing because she wanted to keep those case numbers going high. 

Further, it often doesn't take much to identify someone as a friend or foe.  When I see 2030 attached to anybody's name, that's all I need to know that they're serving a communist agenda; that, and the words "sustainability" or "equity," and so forth.  That any official, in fact, anybody at all referencing or pointing to 2030 as an end date or a target date for any program is an active member of the W.E.F, Klaus Schwab, digital currency, "You will own nothing and be happy about it" crowd.  Wikipedia exposes Birx a bit, 

She described her role as ambassador to help meet the HIV prevention and treatment targets set by Obama in 2015 to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. 

She's been accused of being "dictatorial" and "autocratic" before.  Is this why she was chosen for Trump's COVID19 Task Force?  

PEPFAR management under Birx came under scrutiny in a February 2020 audit conducted by the State Department's Office of the Inspector General, with leadership of the program being described as "dictatorial" and "autocratic."

12:25, Uh-oh, Daniel raises the ever important question of justice.  Rarely do I hear any commenter raise the question of moral restitution.  But here he is . . . finally.  He says that it's hard to suppress this feeling of anger [yeah, Americans were betrayed] what these monsters did not just to the U.S. but to the world for two years.  There deserves to be some justice in this life hopefully, but maybe ultimately in the next.  [Oh, Daniel, you were doing so well.]  Trump deserves a lot of blame for this.  There's that old refrain.  I think Trump must have agreed to be the perennial foil for the failures, incompetencies, and crimes of his opponents.  He allowed himself to be steamrolled . . . by people he hired.  Then he cites another article.  One oft he reasons why Birx was able to get in there and do so many malfeaswance was because Trump's campaign official, Matt Mowers, spent two years as Birx's Chief of Staff.  OMG.  That's kind of shocking.  But he's a Republican, right?  Yep.  Don't expect loyalties.  So she was his boss for two years, so basically, he was her eyes and ears in the Trump Administration so that she cold go arond and do a lot of evil stuff. 

Read Jeffrey Tucker's article, "Debra Birx's Failed Attempt to Flip the Script." Brownstone Institute, October 29, 2021. 

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