Tuesday, September 21, 2021

little clots in the capillary network are microscopic and they are scattered, so they're not going to show on any scan.

12:51:  Virtually impossible to prevent an infection that comes from the airwaves.  What you can do after that bug has entered your airway epithelial cells is to prevent it from disseminating by the body into the bloodstream.  This is what, for instance, the vaccination against pneumococci or meningococci aims at--to prevent the dissemination in the blood.  Now, this virus does not disseminate in the blood.  It kills people because it's in the lung and the lung suffers.  So how can anyone think that by vaccination of oneself that one can be protected against infection of the lungs?  This is completely naive.  And I wonder that my American associates, physicians, colleagues don't stand up and tell you guys about this.  Why do you have to wait for me to come around and tell you this?  I learned this from the American teachers, from American textbooks.  

Now, the second thing is this:  if you're under 70 years of age, you're going to have a really, really difficult time dying of COVID 19.  

The Moderna vaccine has 40 trillion messenger RNA molecules in it.  So when someone gets the shot, you're getting your genes re-wired.  These are wrapped in a lipid capsule that enables them to be absorbed into the cells.  This is injected into the deltoid muscle of the arm.  Like I said, only 25% of the vaccine actually stays there, and the rest is taken up by the lymphatic system and fed into the general circulation or blood vessels.  And so it circulates around the entire body, And I think every doctor knows that absorption occurs in the capillary networks because that's where the blood slows right down.  It goes through so these nanocapsules containing these trillions of messenger RNA molecules are absorbed into the lining around the capillaries, what medically we call the vascular endothelium.  So these little packages are absorbed around the vessels, the packages open, and the body recognizes these messenger RNA strands as a gene and gets to work making COVID spiked proteins.  So in a virus, those COVID spiked proteins form part of the viral capsule.  The problem is that they're not in a virus; they're in the cells around blood vessels.  As a result, they become part of the cell wall of that cell.  So normally, the cells that surround your blood vessels have to be smooth to have good and unimpeded blood flow.  But as soon as you've got all of these little spike proteins that become part of the cell wall become a rough surface.  It's going to be like very coarse sandpaper.  It's now what the platelets are going to interpret as a damaged vessel.  It's no longer smooth.  So clotting is inevitable because platelets that come down that vessel are going to hit a rough spot and act like "this must be a damaged vessel, this vessel must be plugged up to stop the bleeding."  Clots are inevitable because of these spiked proteins in the capillary networks.  I set out to then try and prove this.  Could this theory be correct?  And so these little clots in the capillary network are microscopic and they are scattered, so they're not going to show on any scan.  It's too small and too scattered.  It's not like the big clots that cause strokes and heart attacks.  They're too small and too scattered.  So how on earth can we know if the person has clotted?  And the only way to find out is with a blood test called a D-dimer.  So the D-dimer is a blood test that shows up a recent clot.  It won't show up an old clot, it will show up a new clot.  And it doesn't tell you where the clot is; it only tells you that the clotting process has been activated.  

If you want healthy capillaries, you'll need to take vitamin C and Niacin. 

If you want to prevent blood clots in all blood vessels, then you'll need Nattokinase. 

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