Tuesday, April 28, 2015

We Need Intelligent, Cautious Parents

Clearly, as a parent you need to fight for your kids.  For some, it comes naturally.  For others, it requires a learning curve.  One thing that is needed is situational awareness.  When you talk to an Eskimo about buying a refrigerator, know who you are talking to and what their interests are.  So that when you fight for your children, as much as their well-being is at stake, so is the public knowledge of your ability as a parent fighting for your kids' well-being.  Not to mention your ego.  You don't know everything. Community asks that you be a good father or a good mother, that you attend school functions, that you take your kid out to a park or to Disneyland, or celebrate their young lives with birthdays.  The social demands can be taxing.  You are living the life of a role function where everyone else defines it for you and assigns it the proper value . . . that is until you get smarter and learn what is best for your kid.
Perhaps the most important of all protections that a parent provides is that against illness or injury to a child.  We can't guard against every injury, of course.  We can't stifle our children's movements or adventures.  We have to let them live.  But live with some intelligent cautions. Find a way to strengthen their coordination as they develop.  Find a way to increase their love for ethical conduct, beauty, artistry, history, and science in a world that is handed down to us.
As you fight you will learn.  Your new knowledge will help address past grievances I believe. What I am thinking of are those discussions that people have with their doctors' diagnoses.  Their opinion is not infallible, as you know, but instead, it is biased.  When an orthopedic recommends surgery, stop and think "Is that recommendation biased?" or is it to generate more business so that he can pay off his medical school debt?  I don't mean to sound cynical; just practical.  Count the costs.  Can't rely on the universities to be bastions of truth and accuracy.  Not in today's world.  Not saying that there aren't intelligent people working on campuses around the country or the world.  Just saying that the information is often times agenda driven.

Here is a young family with an adorable daughter and the parents surrender their authority over their child weeping in regret and fear.  They opted to have their daughter undergo brain surgery.  They signed off on the idea that it is okay to have a portion of their child's brain removed. This is the outrage. And who led them to this conclusion before seeking alternative treatments like foods, herbs, exercises, whatnot?  Their university-trained doctors, who post every kind of certification on the wall behind their desk to coerce you into accepting their narrative and legitimacy?  

Turns out that cannabidol or CBD, one of the 85 active cannbinoids in marijuana, is an anti-seizure remedy.  Here is what Wikipedia says:

Cannabidiol (CBDis one of at least 85 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis.[4] It is a major phytocannabinoid, accounting for up to 40% of the plant's extract.[5] CBD is considered to have a wider scope of medical applications than tetrahydrocannabinol  (THC).[5] An orally-administered liquid containing CBD has received orphan drug status in the US, for use as a treatment for Dravet syndrome, under the brand name Epidiolex.[6]

Neurological effects [edit]
A 2010 study found that strains of cannabis containing higher concentrations of cannabidiol did not produce short-term memory impairment vs. strains with similar concentrations of THC, but lower concentrations of CBD. The researchers attributed this attenuation of memory effects to CBD's role as a CB1 antagonist.[8] Transdermal CBD is neuroprotective in animals.[9]
Cannabidiol's strong antioxidant properties have been shown to play a role in the compound'sneuroprotective and anti-ischemic effects.[10]

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