Friday, April 19, 2013

Pomegranates, Yes; Statins, No

Which do you prefer, statins or food to make you healthy?
If you answered statins, then beware.  They cause all kinds of cognitive problems.
If someone is looking to reduce the amount of cholesterol in their blood stream, first, I would reassure them that cholesterol is not the culprit when concerns about heart health arise.  However, if those concerns are hard to allay, then try garlic.  That's right, garlic.  It's terrific for circulation; plus, it contains all sorts of added health benefits, like anti-oxidant powers, sulfur to prevent mercury absorption in your nerve cells. 
If you are looking for a way to dissolve plaque in arteries and veins, look no further than your backyard garden, particularly your pomegranate tree.  Check out the benefits against plaque.

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