Thursday, January 30, 2025

JOSH HAYWOOD: This is all very sad to see a community that has slowly been consumed having degeneracy forced upon them with no end in sight

Josh Haywood writes,

Clarkston, GA, home to just 14,756 residents, has been forced to house 60,000 foreigners. This is a Springfield Ohio situation 2.0 and the area is basically uninhabitable now and no one from Atlanta even thinks of living on the east side of town for their own safety.

Haywood also notes,

One example, on Mother's Day '22, 2 migrants, Ajang Ruach and Ojego Ofieo, shot up Brannon Hill killing 3 people and wounding 3 more. Suspiciously I can find nothing online about these two being sentenced. @ICEgov. Please find and deport.

This is all very sad to see a community that has slowly been consumed having degeneracy forced upon them with no end in sight. Maybe there are indeed a few who are truly fleeing terrible persecution from another part of the world that we could help out, but bringing them to our

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RICHARD POE: the baby boom generation faces mass murder, up close and personal, right now, in our own country

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

9/11 REVISITED: Outer section of North Tower is peeled away like a banana, leaving a section of about 900 feet high steel core still standing for a few seconds