Thursday, September 12, 2024

Got Cellulite? Then Go Carnivore!

AGE MATTERS: The younger a child is that receives the MMR childhood measles vaccine, the more likely the child will develop autism.

Age matters.  The younger a child is that receives the MMR childhood measles vaccine, the more likely the child will develop autism.  

A good reminder from BabyDoll92196 on the quality of any biologic product from government-contracted or private pharmaceutical.  What this means is that we can't expect a good or helpful or healthy product.  Grow your own food.


🤯 LIFE-CHANGING results from Natural Medicine! This woman had Kidney Disease w/Very reduced function (~40 eGFR) for a decade. In April she saw my post and started my protocol. Now, her eGFR has shot up to over NORMAL levels! (70) This is one of many reports of Amazing results from people who took exactly the same things. That chart doesn’t lie! (Unlike the National Kidney Foundation, which says it’s impossible to ever improve eGFR…) Kidney Disease (CKD) IS reversible. Let people know! -------
KIDNEY FUNCTION - what I would do: • Cordyceps - studies indicate 2-3 tsp per day of this could Dramatically help kidney function: • Silymarin - human trial used an amount equal to 4 of these caps, spread throughout day: • NMN - (best brand) 1 or 2 grams/day: • Nettle Seed - this is the exact product used in the human trial. 3x/day: • TMG - helps NMN work better. Take w/NMN, 500-1000mg: (Some of these are affiliate links that will automatically give you a 5-20% discount) ------- 

Check out the Amazing studies & case reports, in the next posts of this thread. 

CAITLIN LONG: 🚨STATES ARE WAKING UP to the authoritarian #debanking pressure (applied by Warrenite federal bank regulators) & realizing they have ways to fight back.

Kidney crisis in US causing greatest death and injury outside WWII.  The Connecticut memorandum series vol 1.  I'm going to review the document that was sent to officials of the state of Connecticut, that is the attorney general.  It was sent certified mail and a few other people in that department.  It was hand delivered to the attorney for the Department of Public Health Connecticut.  She took it in hand it was given to the governor's office through the mailroom by the official policy of the state capital of Connecticut he signed for it and stamped it and made sure that the governor would get it.

There is a cover letter. I will go through a little bit of that named recipients the document title and so forth and this mostly has to do with acute renal failure where that is in line with Hospital homicide.  So I recommend to them in the cover letter for the individually named people as officials of the state of Connecticut. I tell them to seek personal legal counsel if they give it to the state attorney the state attorney is then conflicted between representing the individual and representing the state.  As an attorney represents the state, they are supposed to be representing the people, like the people of Connecticut, the citizens.  Both the citizens are being harmed by the state officials that's a pretty big conflict.  I also say Notice that this knowledge that I am imparting upon them with the detailed factual information gleaned from official Connecticut State records.  That knowledge that I give them through this document razes, that's r a z e s, that means destroys, levels, the future defensive ignorance of fact.  So in the future if they say well "We didn't know that it was harming people.  Oh, we didn't know all these people were dying from acute renal failure and Pulmonary embolism, and thrombocytopenia.  We didn't know.  Well now we know."  

In the second, Volume II, it's even bigger because I say these people died from the vaccine hours, days, minutes, and I name the people.  So this notice razes, it destroys the ignorance of fact defense for the future.  I also tell them sovereign and qualified immunity do not apply to criminal acts.  Those are used to protect those are used to protect people that work for government from civil litigation. If they make a mistake in the course of doing their job they won't be personally sued because they have qualified immunity as a servant to the public in their official capacity.

There are no statues of limitations for most homicide crimes of which this is one.  If they don't act on information and believe that the public is in imminent danger of harm, then they are guilty, and that's the next one.  Legal duty to act.  They took the job.  It's like a lifeguard. He takes a job and then watches a kid drown.  Once you know, you must perform your legal duty for the safety of the public or else you'll be criminally liable.  It's all basically setting them up so that they have the knowledge and they're compelled to do their job.  All they have to do is do their job for the safety of the public.  That's what it's all about.  And inaction concurrent with a legal duty to act is a criminal act.  The named recipients are:

Ned Lamont, Governor of Connecticut 

Susan Bysiewicz, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut 

Erick Russell, Connecticut Treasurer 

Sean Scanlon Connecticut Comptroller 

William Tong, Attorney General 

Manisha Juthani, Commissioner Connecticut Department of Public Health

A. Orefice, Chief of Staff, Connecticut Department of Public Health

H. Salton, Special Counsel, Connecticut Department of Public Health

They were all copied on this and received it.  I actually have a Substack that I wrote and it has the return receipts.  It shows that these packages were signed for and they got them. 

Okay, the type of bill is MEMORANDUM NOTICE OF REQUIRED ACTION TO THWART HOSPITAL HOMICIDES  AND ACUTE RENAL FAILURE DEATHS that were occuring for the last three years three and a half.


I obtained the death records of Connecticut I submitted an application to do a study on the regional effects of temperature and humidity on heart disease that is the effects of climate change on heart disease.  They approved the study and gave me the records I ran it through my process.  I currently am engaged with somebody who is very very good at math.  I asked him to run discrete cosign transforms and discrete foyer transforms to determine the signal to noise ratio of the data streams that is how many people that died every day of a specific disease or all cause or covid or pneumonia to determine if it's highly seasonal or if it's sinusoidal that means if there's more people that die in the winter then in the summer