Wednesday, June 19, 2024

SANCTUARY CAMPSUSES? Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities


For decades, the United Nations' Agenda 2030 has

been vying to push the US population out of the country and into small, concentrated 15-minute SMART cities.  Preparations have been made quietly behind the scenes, and it doesn't matter if Americans are disinterested because at least 30 million illegal immigrants are now available to launch these prison cell slave cities.  In a recent article, "University Smart Hubs Private Equity and the Leverage Buyout of America," June 15, 2024, Corey's Digs [aka, Corey Lynn] reports that illegal immigrants are being housed and trained at American universities in a decade-old scheme that provides the ruling class a foreign unregistered workforce under the banner of "Affordable Housing," people have been forced out of home ownership while Black Rock offshoots have been buying up the spoils, mostly through the Blackstone Group whose top three shareholders are Vanguard, Black Rock, and Capital World investors.  Blackstone has become the world's largest landlord after acquiring rental companies, including the largest student housing company, and converting care homes, offices, hotels, and warehouses into over 300,000 rental units.

Blackstone Acquired Largest Student Housing Company in The U.S., Partners with Over 100 Colleges and Universities, and Plans to Hire 2,000 Refugees

Blackstone partners with over 100 colleges and universities who run programs where illegal immigrant students are taught mindset, critical thinking, and leadership skills.  They are being trained in ESGs, fully immersed into Woke culture, and used to manage whatever their bureaucrat masters choose.  Starting in 2016, several colleges and universities have become Sanctuary CampusesSanctuary Campuses oppose and hinder the enforcement of immigration law on campus and they provide funding to illegal immigrants.  Working under the United Nations, ECAR, Every Campus a Refuge, say they would like to see every college and university in the world partner with local refugee resettlement agencies to house refugees on campus grounds and provide them with food, care, and training.  ECAR has been giving direction and support to colleges and universities to do this since their inception in 2015, and the government has been incentivizing this program.  Launched by the US Department of State in January 2023, the Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will "foster more diverse and inclusive campuses."  Funds are provided to give them free education, housing, healthcare, and social services.  The Biden Administration has allocated $258 billion dollars toward building 2 million rental propertiesA new Congressional bill guides local governments to acquire and convert shuttered buildings into "Affordable Housing" rentals.  This is also being heavily funded through private endowments.  Between 1990 and 2021, the average endowment value grew by 423%.  Within the past 10 years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF, granted over $11.6 billion dollars to 471 higher education institutions.  Colleges and universities have spent the majority of this money, acquiring hotels, office buildings, and other real estate in billion-dollar deals with private housing developers, while outsourcing student housing to Blackstone.  Middle East investors out of Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia are buying up billions of dollars of student housing, medical clinics, and office buildings near major universities.  And Sanctuary Campuses are hiding the identities of the unregistered students enrolled in these programs

If you were destroying America from within how would it look different? 

American universities have been notorious for radicalizing young students and indoctrinating them with destructive anti-American, communist ideations, and now they are being used to house and train illegal immigrants to carry out the work that no loyal citizen would do.  American universities are also building satellite campuses in other cities, mostly in Washington DC.  Over 50 universities have opened satellite campuses in Washington DC, where thousands of illegal immigrants will be housed, fed, and trained to be compliant drones of the federal government. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

[RG911Team] Firefighters need a water supply to control any major fire. And contrary to popular belief, water was available to put out the fires in WTC7 on 9/11. Fire experts did the research and shared it in their 9/11 documentary “Calling out Bravo 7”.

KEVIN MCKERNAN: Can you see how spineless the Fauci puppets are? Centralized science creates hierarchies of boot lickers.

The "Proximal Origin" paper was co-authored by Dr. Robert Garry.   

The Proximal Origin is a reference to a scientific correspondence titled "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2" and the events of scientific and political controversies arising from it. The letter, published in the journal Nature Medicine on 17 March 2020, was written by a group of virologists including Kristian G. AndersenAndrew RambautW. Ian LipkinEdward C. Holmes and Robert F. Garry. The authors examined possibilities of an accidental leak of a natural or manipulated virus from a laboratory, and concluded that genomic analyses indicated that "SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus."

The letter was highly influential in establishing the natural origin of COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic and generated controversy over the arguments it made against any lab-based origin scenario, and the link later drawn between its authors and public health officials alleged to have funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the pandemic. Three years after the publication, in 2023, the US Republicans raised an allegation that the scientific paper was a coverup to suppress the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

DR. ANNA TOKER: Did you know that what's happening on your skin is also happening within your intestinal tract?

Did you know that what's happening on your skin is also happening within your intestinal tract? 

Hi, I'm Dr Anna Toker, your friendly neighborhood colorectal surgeon reminding you that an epithelial surface, whether it's on your skin and people can see it, or in the lining of your digestive system which without special equipment you can't see, these cells are turning over rapidly.  They need lots of protein structure to stay healthy.  Now you might choose to take collagen for your skin, your hair, and your nails, but I'm here to tell you take collagen to support your intestinal tract.  The lining of your intestines needs to have support from the underlying protein matrix that's made out of collagen.  Just choose a good one, one that's organic if you can with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.  If you are a plant-based protein, well there's no collagen in the vegetable world, so you'll have to take a complete protein supplement.  If you are doing vegetarian collagen what that really means is you're taking the amino acid building blocks for collagen, and that's awesome.  Just make sure you're also taking hyaluronic acid, vitamin C that will help support your GI tract for better intestinal health.  And when there's better intestinal health, your overall health is better.  

DR. ANNA TOKER: all grains are inflammatory, in particular wheat. Whole wheat is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself

What the hell are people talking about when they say, "eat whole grain foods"?

Hey, it's Dr. Anna Toker, your friendly neighborhood colorectal surgeon.  And I know people are pushing you to eat whole grains because it sounds hearty, and they use the blood sugar argument: whole grains are less likely to spike your blood sugar compared to processed or bleached type grain material.  Here's the problem: all grains are inflammatory, in particular wheat.  Whole wheat is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself because of a protein called gluten, and more importantly, a protein component called gliadin which is always inflammatory in everyone, and the problem is almost all grains, including oats and quinoa and things that you would do on a gluten-free diet, contain proteins that are very similar to gliadin and can also stimulate your intestines to make a toxin called zonulin.  So when you consume a grain whether it's a whole grain or a processed grain, don't matter, any grain will cause this inflammatory response.  That toxic molecule called zonulin that your body naturally makes in response to the presence of these grains is likely the leading cause for almost all chronic human illness, and that's because it causes leaking of the microscopic membrane of the intestinal tract which leads to autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, and, yes, likely even cancer.  The first step in that process is a destruction of your blood sugar control, so any grain, whole grain or not, is damaging your body's ability to control its blood sugar, and long-term that damages your health.  So to live longer, to live better, to avoid chronic illness, get the grains out of your life.

Find more insights from Dr. Anna M. Toker at Instagram.