Saturday, February 3, 2024

Washington state diverted $340 million in federal "COVID funds" to illegal immigrants, including via $1,000 checks

50% of teens, and 80% of adults are overweight, and this has happened in just a generation we didn't become systematically lazier in the past generation As Americans and frankly suicidal something has happened and the core mistake of those and pick is that obesity is not an exemptic deficiency obesity is not the root cause of the problem obesity is one branch of the tree underlying metabolic dysfunction that's ravaging our country as we talked about with over 50 percent of Americans having pre-diabetes now 33% of young adults 

1:54. Wait most Americans have pre-diabetes?

1:56.  Oh by some measures it's up to 60% of . . . 

1:57.  Of the whole country? 

1:58. 60% of adults, and 33% of young adults and teens.  And you have a diabetes doctor who just a generation ago would see one child in their entire career with diabetes.  Now, which again diabetes is a cellular dysfunction, it's cellular disruption, totally caused by environmental factors from what we're eating [in other words, diet!!!] that's close to becoming upwards of 50% of kids 33% and growing radically.  Teens, 25% have fatty liver disease which is something you would only see in elderly alcoholics.  So there's a metabolic health crisis.  

All "jobs" added in the past year have been part-time workers

Fast Food: the Real Virus

"why don't they just stay and steal in Florida? Because there you go to jail."

Listen to why they leave Florida come to New York commit their crimes and then go back to Florida.

John Miller, 5:00:  There is this one-percenter criminal element that looks at a different opportunity here.  These individuals--I went over their rap sheets yesterday--have multiple charges: grand larceny, robbery attempted.  It's a crew that operated on mopeds and scooters.  They were doing organized retail theft.  They were doing snatches on the street.  They'd take iPhones, iPad, clothing, and so on.  And one of them that they are still seeking has 10 charges on one day because he's part of a pattern that's been going on.  And I'm looking at the dates that their arrests started which is probably close to when they got here.  They've only been here a couple of months. So what the detectives are telling me is they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing here, and then go to Florida and spend the money and and then come back.  And I'm like well why don't they just stay and steal in Florida?  Because there you go to jail.  

Nate the Lawyer, 5:55:  Now these migrants are out on the street after beating up two cops because of bail reform. But that's not the end of the issue because then you would say, well, why can't we deport them right then after they're beating up our law enforcement officers?  Well, that's because New York State and New York City is a sanctuary City and a sanctuary state, meaning that the local officials will not report these gentlemen to ice they will not report these gentlemen to Federal authorities so they can be deported.  That's New York State's policy; that's New York City's policy, and they are proud of their status as a sanctuary City.

6:33. You pledge during your campaign to keep New York City a sanctuary City