Wednesday, September 27, 2023

This is the best overview and indictment of the public school system from elementary to college-level education.

Dr. Mark McDonald is interviewed here in Mikki Willis' documentary, Plandemic 3:  The Great Awakening, 2023.  The interview was recorded in 2022, a year after McDonald published his book, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, 2021.  His other book is Freedom from Fear: A 12-Step Guide to Personal and National Recovery, 2022.

Find his regular work at his substack.  

He says to take your children out of government schools because, he says, that the government schools are a catastrophic failure and irredeemable.  The school system is controlled, utterly controlled, by teachers unions and advocates, meaning those who go into the schools to proselytize their political ideology on your children.  They have no other purpose, no other function, and they have taken over entirely.  He says to homeschool or build schools in your own community, and that would cause the corrupt, rotten, and termite-infested structure to finally collapse on its own weight.  And then rebuild on a local level from the ground up. He can't believe that he's saying this now.  He says it's requisite now for Americans to do this.

In terms of University?

Don't bother.  The university is a cesspool.  It is moral wasteland.  It is an indoctrination camp. STEM: science, technology, engineering, mathematics or to prepare for medical school, law school, professional school are the only exceptions.  Even then he says, it's probably not a good idea. 

When Keurig-type plastic pods come in contact with boiling water, SUPER toxic endocrine-disrupting chemicals are released into your coffee.

You can’t find any of these in plant foods… Why are we being told plant-based diets are best for longevity?

"Less than 5% of the entire state of North Carolina identifies as LBGTQ. Y'all claim you want democracy. Democracy is majority rule: 50% + 1"

"As a physician, I am now ashamed that I also parroted that same propaganda for 25 years before Covid"