American cities have already begun passing policies that will make meat more expensive.
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego.
Climate change con-artists concoct some insanely ridiculous schemes to convince you that your life ain't worth living. Prove them wrong each and every day. Please.
Well the climate change priests have created an off-the-rack kind of WEF that's called C40 Cities. I've heard of C4 explosives, but never C40 Cities. What does this acronym stand for? Their website claims to have a total of 96 cities in its cartel that accounts for 20% of the global economy.
In the same failed and inconvenient vain of Al Gore and "End of the world," Paul Ehrlich, C40 unites mayors from around the world to purportedly fight climate change but who are really sharing notes on attempts to build 15-minute concentration camps, er, cities.
Iorganizationmayorsse reminders of what a grifter's fraudulent game global warming us, be sure to check out these short posts here, here, here, and here.
With campaigns such as "ban the meat" movement, the "you shzall eat zee bugz and be happy" movement, and the cattlemens consortium defending their vaccination of beef cows.
A constant factor was brought up by multiple public speakers: Gallego is the Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities. According to the C40 Cities website, “C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.” C40 has many documents outlining the organization’s desire to reduce and abolish the consumption of meat.
What's funny is that they're always pitching the savings for their very expensive, money-draining schemes as well as how they're going to create jobs. That's a knee-slapper. C40 was founded in London. That maybe all you need to know how this scam is designed to take things from an urban population scorched-earth style. Phoenix happens to be one of the cities on the steering committee of a C40. The people of the organization are Sadiq Khan the mayor of London who was also the chairperson of C40 Michael Bloomberg, the President of the Board of Directors; Bill Clinton, a founding partner; and Mark Watts, Executive Director. And yet here we have these American mayors going along, mayors who were voted in by, you know, local taxpayers, going along with this International one-world, new-world organization. C40 was created in 2005. "Three-term Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg served as chair from 2010 to 2013."
One of the ways that they will try to ban meat is by making it more expensive