Friday, September 15, 2023

Sacramento Mayoral Candidate and former state Senator Richard Pan is one of the most vile doctors and state senators in California history.

From BrokenTruthThank you to Dr. Mary Talley Bowden.

Sacramento Mayoral Candidate and former state Senator Richard Pan is one of the most vile doctors and state senators in California history. He’s also a member of Shots Heard, a big pharma harassment organization.

Amazing that Richard Pan had such foresight to join Shots Heard Round The World, a private Facebook group that would be so crucial to suppressing Americans' freedoms just before the global ‘pandemic’ that resulted in untold billions in windfalls for pharma and medical companies. It’s almost like he had insight into what was coming. How could that be if COVID merely was an accidental lab leak?

Shots Heard is maintained by Public Good Projects, a group that received $883,000 from BIO, the pharma lobbyist company. Public Good Projects gave over $400,000 to Facebook in 2021. The group operates a bit like a social media character assassination squad, attacking doctors and nurses who oppose pharma companies' interests by promoting drugs that are affordable or alerting to vaccine injuries like the ones sweeping America right now.


As a senator, Richard Pan seemed hell-bent on pushing as many unconstitutional pharma-friendly laws as possible in the late 2010s. In 2015, Senate Bill 277 mandated vaccinations against the will of parents in order to attend schools publicly funded by parents taxpayer dollars.  277 was pushed through by Pan and his cronies in Sacramento.  Senate Bill 277 received significant backlash, much of which wasn’t covered because television news gets advertising dollars from pharma companies, a practice Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. promised to end immediately if elected.

RFK Promises to end pharma advertising.

According to an Op-Ed in the San Diego Union-Tribune,

“Pan, a Sacramento pediatrician and chair of the Senate Health Committee, took in at least $432,000 from health care interests during the 2017-18 election cycle. That amounts to 40% of the money in both his personal campaign account and a ballot measure committee he formed called Californians Building a Healthy Future.”  San Diego Union Tribune

SB 277 is an atrocious law, that stripped away parental rights as documented in this video showing how many upset parents, families, and medical professionals opposed it.


California has turned corruption into big business. Between donations to reelection campaigns, ballot measures, and Act Blue money laundering, it has become almost impossible to trace the incredible amounts of cash being poured into our political system. Just look at some of the cash given to Newsom over the last few years by Blue Shield of California alone.
Blue Shield of California (according to CapRadio)

  • 2018: Contributed $42,000 to Newsom
  • 2019, July: Contributed $31,000 to Newsom and $69,000 to Newsom’s ballot measure committee
  • 2020, April: Newsom appointed CEO to co-lead testing task force; 15 of 68 members are from Blue Shield
  • 2020, November: Contributed $200,000 to Newsom’s ballot measure committee
  • 2021, February: Awarded no-bid contract up to $15 million to lead state’s vaccine distribution.

According to Stat News, pharma lobbyists poured cash on 2,400 state lawmaker campaigns across the US in 2020. In California alone, 82% of lawmakers received big pharma money. Is it any surprise that Shots Heard, funded by BIO, the pharma lobbyist company, wanted to support Richard Pan for his moronic and unconstitutional law?

There is speculation that Dr. Richard Pan may have run track and field in high school.  He's even developed a Twitter handle, #PanRan.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

California paying illegals $300 a week unemployment. Just think what this would do for veterans and homeless. Why are illegals immigrants treated better than American citizens?

The Middle Class Is Increasingly Becoming "The Impoverished Class", And The Poor Are Increasingly Being Pushed Into The Streets

The feds didn’t raid Mar-a-Lago last August because of some documents. They did it because of this:

It's Joe Biden's own Watergate. 


Thanks to Wejolyn