Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mercury is the cause of Alzheimer's Disease. But Glutathione is a potent mercury chelator

Here's the Facebook page to discuss NBMI.

EDTA doesn't get into the cells very effectively either.  It doesn't pull mercury off a protein.  It just doesn't have that much affinity for mercury.  Good to know.  Instead it does have a strong affinity for lead and cadmium.  

DMPS and DMSA.  What are these compounds?  These compounds take the mercury out of the blood, not out of the brain tissue or out of the bone marrow.  

In this video, he gets more into chelating mercury from the body.  He says that EDTA is not a great mercury chelator.  The chelating method of his product, his approach, is for it to attach to the mercury inside the cell.  So his method doesn't actually remove the mercury from the cell but it renders it inert, meaning nontoxic to the cell.  Still there just nontoxic to the cell

His chelating product saw readings at 90 to 140 and after 3 tries he got the mercury down to 14.  Interesting.  His product is a good antioxidant that raises the glutathione levels, and the glutathione levels.  Glutathione gets into all of your cells.  So it's glutathione that is a potent mercury chelator.  Good to know.  

 Thank you to Dr. Mark Sircus.

Mercury can also be bound to sulfhydryl groups in garlic or to sulfur in the form of organic sulfur (MSM).  

Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7% ) died of cancer while 30 of 172 non-treated control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer (P=0.002).[6]   Dr. Walter Blumer

The mercury is there, but there's no sign of toxicity from the mercury.  That's what you want.  

Instead, the reason it was disappearing from their blood is that Ethel Mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier much easier than methyl mercury from the vaccine [which] was going directly to the brain of these animals and it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation and we now know that it's there 20 years later.

And you add it with the dead antigen, which is the viral particle, your body confuses that toxin with the viral particle and gets frightened and mounts this huge immune response and the next time it sees that virus the immune response is there at that point vaccinologist went around searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to the vaccines and there is a mantra that says in toxicology that "the more toxic the adjuvant the more robust the immune response," and that's why toxicologists and vaccinologists don't get along with each other as the toxicologist would say to the vaccinologist, " I understand it gives you an immune response but what is the fate of that within your body where is it going is it being excreted is it being lodged in the brain is it penetrating the blood-brain barrier and the vaccinologist could not answer those questions and did not want to and so they basically moved the toxicologist out of the vaccine universe.  So when it was added in 1932, the industry said, Eli Lilly said, well, the reason . . . and everybody was saying "How can you put mercury into a child?  Who would do that?" And they said well it's a different kind of Mercury.  It's ethyl mercury, and Ethel Mercury is excreted very quickly. So it won't stay in your body, and they had no science to say that.  But that's what they were saying for years and then in 2003 CDC scientist Michael Pichichero did a study where he gave tuna sandwiches, which were mercury contaminated, to children and then he measured the blood.  And the Mercury from the tuna sandwich was there, the half-life, 64 days later.  So it was still there for 64 days.  Then he injected the children with Mercury from a vaccine, and that mercury disappeared from the blood within a week.  And this kind of confirmed what Eli Lilly had said in 1932, "Oh it disappears really quickly from the body," and that was published in the Lancet Pediatrics.  But immediately the journal began getting letters from people, including this famous scientist called Dr. Boyd Haley, Chairman of the Chemistry Department at the University of Kentucky.  [A video of Boyd on the difficulty of chelating mercury from the brain, and something from Mark Sircus.] And he said, "What happened to the mercury?" because Pichichero couldn't find it in the children's urine or in their feces or in their hair sweat, or nails, so where is it?  And then the NIH actually commissioned a study because they at that point we're really trying to figure out whether this was dangerous and they commissioned a very famous scientist called Thomas Burbacher [and his study] up at the University of Washington at Seattle to do a study with monkeys, the macaws, and he did the same study Pichichero did.  But he did something that you can't do with children: he killed the monkeys.  And then he looked for the Mercury and what he found was the Mercury, yes, it left the blood immediately, the Ethel Mercury from the vaccine was gone from their blood in a week; the methyl Mercury from the tuna fish a month later, 2 months later, it's still there.  When he sacrificed the monkeys and did postmortems, he found that the Mercury had not left their body.  Instead, the reason it was disappearing from their blood is that Ethel Mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier much easier than methyl mercury from the vaccine was going directly to the brain of these animals and it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation and we now know that it's there 20 years later.  So when Burbacher . . . so when I am on the phone with Offit, and he said the Ethel Mercury is excreted quickly. I said, "How do you know that?"  He said because of the Pichichero study and because of the study by Pichichero found that it was excreted quickly within a week.  And I said, "But you're familiar with the Burbacher study that shows that it's gone to the brain?" and there was dead silence on the phone.  And then he said to me "Well, you're right, it's not just that study; it's a whole mosaic of studies."  And I said "Can you cite any for me?" and he said I'll send them to you.  And he never did, and that's the last I heard.  

Offit definitely supports vaccines for kids.  

"A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box.” --Frederick Douglass

Public Health Emergencies Are Nothing More Than Camouflaged Power Grabs

Why am I not surprised that you're not surprised?  You mean you've known this all along?    

Here is Katherine Watts's 30-minute video presentation.

The biomedical injections raise the legal question, "Are they medicine?"  mRNA/DNA injections and other Emergency Use Authorized products are biochemical compounds exempt from U.S. regulations governing drug development, manufacturing, and distribution.  


Are they medical treatments authorized for economically/socially/psychologically coerced administration under international and federal Public Health Emergency Laws, PHE?

Or, are they toxic weapons prohibited under international and federal Weapons of Mass Destruction Laws?  

Answer: BOTH.

American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, Katherine Watt, Bailiwick News, April 28, 2022.

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.  Her article about is a timeline of changes in U.S. law that made it possible for this intentional use of intentionally toxic products which are weapons to be camouflaged as a public health emergency response that work product and other posts that she's done we're seen by the organizers of this conference Amrei and Sylvia and they invited her to participate by email in November 202tge construction of the 

Work product seen by Amrei and Sylvia:

Timeline tracing the chronological development of changes to US law that enable the camouflaging of an intentional democide as a public health emergency response. First posted April 28th 2022. Updated regularly. 

Congressional activity intensified 1910s, then 1930s and 1940s (the construction of the administrative state); 1960s and 1970s (DoD R&D in chemical and biological weapons); and from the 2000s, right around 9/11, to present (Public Health Emergency program build up).

12:55. The implications are extremely distressing.  People who have followed all of these different paths to get to the same main finding refer to people who have not got there yet as "normies."  And people who have not seen it yet and continue to think that there is actually something called a public health emergency for which global coercion coordinated responses are the are the proper response call  people like Catherine Watts "conspiracy theorists." And then there are a third category of people who try not to pay attention to it, find it very upsetting if they think about it at all, and just try to get on with their lives.  And I think that's a very valid way to proceed. 

Understand that when the government, particularly Walensky, moves its mouth it is lying to you.  It always has lied to you.  It always will. Even after they've been caught, they will lie some more.  What does that mean?  It means they will use terms with no viable referent.  When you hear and think of data, you think of sound conclusive numbers, percentages and decimals and fractions about information that informs your decision. So data is what you use, what you would use if you had the time to do research.  But you don't; we don't.  We don't because we don't have the time or division of labor.  And because we pay taxes for certain services, we defer to the government that they're doing their due diligence with tasks trusted to them by the American people, your neighbors, your co-workers, the people who serve us--the mailmen, retail clerks, mechanics, restaurant staff, etc.  Of course, the mandate does not come from the people.  It never does. comes from corporations and agencies influenced by the elite. I mean their policies are not shaped by Murray Rothbard, Ron Paul, or Lew Rockwell.