Friday, April 7, 2023

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: Chinese successfully loaded cow's milk with mRNA and it was absorbed in the GI tract of recipients.

McCullough again: Concerns about surreptitious insertion of mRNA into food are valid! Must be stopped!

2 hours of cellphone exposure on rat brains showed that 2% of their brain cells were dark and shrunken (photos}. Go back to a landline.

The electrification of the planet attributes to aggressiveness in wild animals.

Is there a way we can protect ourselves in our world, in our little world?

No, the basic problem is the cell phone and the wireless technology that we use.  It's affecting everybody's health, and it's the reason so many people are taking sleeping medication, antianxiety meds, and antidepressants.  It's the reason for the increase of neurological diseases.  

If I have my cell phone turned off, is it still picking up signals?  

It's still active to a degree.  If you want to be totally unirradiated, you have to take the battery out of it.

You say that your medical career was cut short because of an X-ray overdose.  How did that happen?

It was unrelated to medical school actually . . . a very large number (40, I believe) of dental X-rays in a short amount of time.  

Do you think it has anything to do with the increase in dementia or Alzheimer's? 

Yes.  We know that it does.  We have studies that show too, like Leif Salford (photos) in Sweden on rats for 20 years, and he exposed them to a cellphone once for 2 hours, and 50 days later he sacrificed them and looked at their brains and he saw that 2% of their brain cells were dark and shrunken.  This was after a single exposure to some of it.  He started getting interviews worrying about the effects of early onset of Alzheimer's disease in young people.  

What I tell people is that if you really want to protect your health to get rid of your cell phone, but the real emergency is 5G, that we should not be embracing it.  It must be stopped, or I fear for the future of our planet.

Bottom line: is the solution to have landlines and just forget about all this uh . . . 

Yes, that is the solution if we want to have a future in this world, we've got to give up wireless technology and go back to landlines.

For more on the connection between EMF radiation and diseases, check out these discussions here by Dr. Tom Cowan

"Neil deGrasse Tyson is the only ‘scientist’ who after he talks, makes people dumber"

Consensus!  Consensus!  Consensus! 


Who is Dr. Ben Marble?  He founded  


CASTOR OIL: Powerful Benefits as a Topical