Sunday, January 22, 2023

Seeds . . . Seeds . . . Seeds

Canada is a colonial British outpost in North America created by Imperial Britain to subvert the United States. The assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and JFK were plotted in Canada

Charles Hoffe is being prosecuted in Canada for recommending ivermectin, and for telling patients that the vaccines are dangerous.

Yeah, this guy, the guy who sounded the alarm of harm early and often, is on trial in Canada for recommending Ivermectin.   

"countries are waking up to Bitcoin’s value proposition as a decentralized/permission-less bearer asset"

Though the Federal Reserve is not pushing cryptocurrencies, they will have to abide by the pressures of other countries, former allies to the U.S. who are adopting cryptocurrencies, in part, thanks to Obama weaponizing SWIFT in 2010 and seizing $600 billion dollars' worth of Russia's foreign currency reserves in U.S. banks.

"and how a young colony broke from that empire fight on the epistemological battlegrounds that have served as the frontline war to reconquer the United States and the western world"

Two opposing currents have shaped all of American and world history from 1776 to the present, where one tradition represents the best Renaissance concepts of God, law, freedom, and value enshrined in America's founding documents.  The other tradition represents the worst of the oligarchism that oversaw the plunge of humanity into empire wars, crusades, and depopulation.  Where one tradition was defended by every American president who died while in office.  The other, London-centered tradition was at the heart of a traitorous fifth column that was built up over two centuries.  And it is upon this column that the modern deep state rests.  The origins and structure of these oligarchal operations are revealed by focusing on the role of Anglo-Venetian intelligence operations that were built up long before the sacrifices made in 1776.

1:16  Did you know that Rhodes scholars penetrated the U.S. government throughout the 20th century and covered it up with various conspiratorial theories that have been created to deflect the minds of truth seekers away from any causal nexus of history.  Did you know that the British Crown and the City of London are still active forces in the world to this day?  Do you know from where the British Empire itself emerged, and how did it reconquer the western world?  What is it behind the overly simplistic myth of the American Empire that emerged after World War II?  To answer these questions, we need to take a deep dive into the oligarchies' capture of Rome over the dead body of Cicero and the destruction of Rome's ally Carthage?  It was during this break with Justus that Rome's Republican traditions were lost and an evil empire was born.  From the collapse of Rome, the oligarchical parasite of leading families and cultish mystery religions migrated to Venice where a new form of the Roman Empire was reconstructed after the near-defeat of Venice during the 1509 League of Cambrai, the parasite migrated to more strategic terrain.  [In this podcast, it was Tom Luongo, at the 18-mark or so, who stated that the old colonial powers want their states back.] But this time finding its new home in England, whose colonization was consummated in the Glorious Revolution in 1688, and the Constitution of the Bank of England in 1694.  Find out how this multifaceted parasite purged England of its humanist impulses, how it converted a once viable national character into an empire, and how a young colony broke from that empire fight on the epistemological battlegrounds that have served as the frontline war to reconquer the United States and the western world over the course of the 20th and early 21st centuries with a better appreciation of the dark forces which have misshapen our past, a new appreciation for the power of humankind, natural law, and today's revival of anti-oligarchical principles can better be appreciated only by reading The Clash of the Two Americas, Volume 4: The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State, Matthew Ehret (Author), Cynthia Chung (Author), 2023.