Thursday, January 5, 2023

Western Leadership Are Vandals

"But it's even clearer that what [Shi Zhengli] was going for was the development of a prion disease . . . the ability to produce prion diseases is quite a weapon."

3 things to look at: 

1.  There is what's known as the HIV glycoprotein 120, which is a part of the HIV virus.  We have the papers that show that Shi Zhengli intentionally inserted that into the spike protein to make the coronavirus infective. 

2.  There's also something known as a PRRA insert, and so those 4 amino acids, in which there are 3 nucleotide bases which are the genetic code for them for each one.  That's 12.  That insert is called a Furin insert and no other coronavirus on the planet has that.  That insert is critical to make this spike protein infective in people, and the U.S. government just happens to own the patent for it. 

Not only is the Glycoprotein 120 a prion.  A prion is something that when it comes into your body it changes your proteins so that they become abnormal. And classic diseases that people are aware of are Mad Cow Disease and Alzheimer's Disease.  And those ate because of prions.  And turns out that not only is the Glycoprotein 120 a prion, but very much like a box when you step on it you will change the rest of the box, when the PRAA inserts and the Glycoprotein 120 are inserted in the spike protein, they change the shape of the spike protein compared to the shape of the other coronaviruses.  And it turns out that that spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is a prion. You can find the grants that paid for the research that led to this happening.  One of the patents is for the expressed purpose of altering, changing, and genetically changing the spike protein on coronaviruses.  Now I don't know how much clearer you have to get than PATENT > FEDERAL FUNDING > GENETICALLY CHANGING SPIKE PROTEIN OF THE CORONAVIRUSES?  I mean, I'm sorry, I'm just dumbfounded by the fact that we don't already have these guys in prison, but we're going to get there. 

Find the extended interview of Dr. Richard Fleming here

you find this PRRA insert. 

Now this genetic code for the furin insert, the PRRA, is that found in any other coronavirus in nature?


It's not found in any other coronavirus that exists in the wild?

Right, there's no other coronavirus that has this PRRA insert, so that's 12 nucleotide bases.  Not a single base, like sickle-cell, but 12 specific nucleotide bases to provide for 4 amino acids that very specifically is connected with the Furin cleavage site, see 3:10, which the U.S. government owns the patent on. This site is exclusive to SARS-CoV-2.  

Since mutations occur one nucleotide bases at a time, you would have to come up with some phenomenal explanation as to why 12 bases suddenly inserted themselves into a virus than none other viruses in that category have.  The original premise that was put forward, and actually published in the Lancet, was that this was a naturally occuring virus and an animal host that got transmitted to people.  But yet there's not been a single animal model associated with this, neither has there been a single coronavirus that has this PRRA insert.     

You mentioned a second insert, an HIV glycoprotein 120.  So are you saying that sections of the genetic code for HIV were inserted into the SARS-Co-V2 virus?  

Right.  Yeah, Shi Zhengli published this early on many years ago where she was very proud of the fact that she did this.  She used an HIV pseudovirus to do it.  We also know that HIV glycoprotein is a prion.  

So this is the HIV that became famous in the 1980s and 1990s?


And somebody took genetic pieces of HIV and inserted it into SARS-CoV-2?  That's what Shi Zhengli admitted to in publications that she had, yes.  

Were you able to discover why that was done? 

According to papers she published it was to increase the infectivity--to see if she could make it more infective.  But it's even clearer that what she was going for was the development of a prion disease, because where everybody is coming up to speed with a virus and how challenging it could be to deal with.  What's even more challenging to deal with are prions.  Because prion diseases are relatively new in our understanding of treatment, and they cause permanent damage unless they can be reversed.  And so the development of a prion, putting HIV glycoprotein 120 in there, attaching to the alicyclic receptor, there's nothing about that that's advantageous for people.  And the ability to produce prion diseases is quite a weapon.  

And how lethal are prion diseases? 

Ah, people die from prion diseases. 

Is this process of inserting amino acids to increase infectivity, is that gain of function, or GoF?

Right, so Gain of Function is anything that you do that changes a naturally-occurring biological agent like this virus.  So the premise of gain of function really has a good premise behind it.  The original idea is that if you could stay a step ahead of a potentially infectious agent, say, a coronavirus.  If you could stay a step ahead, you could do a good job of providing treatments for people and knowing when and where it was going to spread.  This isn't a step ahead.  This isn't a single type nucleotide based.  This is a spike protein that has an HIV glycoprotein 120 inserted into it.  This is a spike protein that has 4 amino acids to make a furin cleavage site, the PRRA insert.  This is a spike protein that has multiple other, according to Luc Montagnier, HIV and SIV [Simian Immunodeficiency virus] inserts.  This is not something that evolutionarily evolved.  The evolution of something with this many changes would take hundreds or thousands of years.  This is not staying a step ahead of it.  And making this provided no advantage for human beings, which makes it a biological weapon's treaty violation.  This is playing God.

To your knowledge, has anyone been able to disprove or refute the fact that there are artificial, man-made insertions into the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Actually, there's no dispute of that other than the statement that it's naturally occurring, and when you say, where's the scientific evidence that it's naturally occurring, there's no follow-up to that.  So for the people who are claiming that this is a scientific discussion, I would encourage them to stay with the fact that this is a scientific discussion.  There's no science to show that any other coronavirus on the planet has these inserts.  There's no science to show that there's a natural reservoir in animals for this virus to occur.  In fact, science points to the fact with over 99% probability which is what we're dealing with until somebody comes up and confesses, that this is not naturally occurring.  

14:45  In your mind is there any doubt that without this gain of function manipulation of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, there would have been no pandemic?

We wouldn't have had this had this virus been released.  

Have any of these folks--Daszak, Baric, Shi Zhengli, Fauci explained what that alleged effect is? 

Well up until now, most of their conversation has been "We didn't do anything like that" even though the data is now showing it.  But as we've learned over the last couple of months, the National Institutes of Health and National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, NIAID, have now admitted, not that they needed to but it's nice for them to have admitted, that a gain of function research was funded by the U.S. and that Fauci's statements that they weren't involved with gain of function research were not correct. 


15:42  Dr. Fauci testified under oath in Congress under questioning by Senator Rand Paul that the NIH and NIAID had not funded gain of function research.  Was that statement truthful? Well as we've shown and as we've talked about, that . . . was a lie. 

And that lie can be proven by publically available documents? 

Dr. Fauci denied under oath that they provided any Gain of Function research despite the fact that we have a long track record of gain of function research.  In fact, that gain of function research even occurred during a time that it was shut down during the Clinton Administration due to concerns by scientists like myself that saw infections getting out due to gain of function research.  That money still got funneled around, primarily through Peter Daszak, Baric, Shi Zhengli., and other sources and they're denying that they're connected to each other, which just completely goes against publications, published papers, where both of their names, Baric's and Shi Zhengli's, are on there.  You can find publications with NIH funding.     


The more I read of about SARS-CoV-2, about COVID, about the COVID vaccines, which aren't vaccines at all but genetic sequences injected to modify the human genome in real time to simply incapacitate a population or the servicemen of any armed forces.  Then I read this

By 1999, US Federal Agencies began funding Gain-of-Function research. Research that by its very nature is designed to increase the ability of pathogens to infect and harm people. In 2019, one of those pathogens was intentionally released upon the world in the Wuhan Wet Market. The key to proving and understanding this bioweapon is its spike protein. The very same spike protein now being made in millions of people after the COVID vaccines are injected into them. These vaccines are nothing more than the genetic code of this bioweapon. This book traces the publication and money trail of COVID-19; showing who is ultimately criminally responsible for the design and development of this weapon, which violates the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Treaty, exposing those who have committed crimes against humanity. Dr. Fleming will reveal the ultimate conspiracy: one that puts the future of the entire world at stake.

"Our FDA, CDC, NIH officials are working for their next job in industry."

JOE ROGAN: The only way we're going to get out of this together is if we love them

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Well, this was interesting.  The American Front Line Doctors, AFLDS, whose figurehead here in the United States is Simone Gold, is an Israeli outfit.  "American Front Line Doctors"?  Apparently, not.  Wow.  I guess with all of the attention on the threat from the Chinese, the Russians, and Iranians, no one ever suspects "our friends" the Israelis to be sabotaging American organizations that are working to serve the American people.  This whole COVID hoax, conspiracy thing that we've been living through for the last 3 years is becoming curiouser and curiouser as a grifting operation by some of the worst.