Friday, November 18, 2022


Big corporate law firms advising employers to mandate the vaccine also represent Big Pharma.  

Robert Barnes said in January 2022 that "if you own a company, you really should avoid mandating any inoculations. In some cases, you can be held personally liable for damages."

The point has been made repeatedly, hold employers liable.  Sure, you don't want to punish businesses, but apparently the businesses that cooperated with the federal, state, and local health authorities were all too eager, or paid well to do so, to treat every American citizen as second and third class.  Imagine that: businesses degrading their customers for a few shekels.  Politicians do that, I get it, but local business owners?  

UPDATE: 48% of Maricopa election centers had printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not the previously estimated 20%

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Maxine Waters to hold hearing Into FTX collapse

That's one thing that you can never say about Maxine Waters that she never stepped up to do her part to run cover for the DNC, I mean, to serve justice for the American people. 

CAROLINE WREN: "We start[ed] early voting on October 12. Why did 0% of the voting centers encounter tabulation problems during early voting when we know that the Democrats are heavily voting?"

CANDACE OWENS: Zelensky IS America’s welfare queen