Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Because the principles of decision making on my body are more important than any title or anything else

School in Washington State Administers Anti-Depressants without Parental Consent

Schools used to rely on school curriculum, newfangled math, and questionable moral values to separate parents from kids to ensure that the state would have legions of compliant kids loyal to it.  Today, the schools and the state are going directly into the heart and brain of your child with vaccines and anti-depressants, which are nothing more than chemical lobotomies to pacify your child.  The vaccines do require consent; apparently, the antidepressants don't.  Anti-depressants are what are what state psych hospitals give their inmates.  Camarillo in California certainly administered them.

Health Freedom Defense Fund filed a Citizens Petition with the FDA to halt COVID injections for young children

Health Freedom Defense Fund filed a Citizens Petition with the FDA to halt COVID injections for young children. Citizens Petition is the first step toward additional legal action against the FDA if they don't stop.  

Your child [was] perfectly healthy before you did this to them

Life insurance payouts at Lincoln are up 163%. Insurance companies are not going to survive this