Friday, April 8, 2022

Why Africa, Keto dieters and intermittent fasters do well.


Not good.

By "fertility issues," do they mean sterilization?  I believe so. 

Prior research has also suspected that men may face fertility issues after recovering from the illness, with scientists finding the coronavirus in male reproductive organs.

Nutritional compounds exist to improve sperm motility.

Vitamin C should be your first line of attack on infertility.

Vitamin C was shown to increase sperm motility by 90% and sperm counts by double when taken for two months.

Butyrate Helps Colon Cell Health. Source of Butyrate? Grassfed Butter

SCFAs are Short Chain Fatty Acids.   

Butyrate is a terrific compound.

Butyrate helps us to use energy and reduces our risk for excess fat storage which adds to the problem of insulin resistance - the fat cells can't hold anymore. Butyrate also helps reduce inflammation by modulating the activity of nuclear factor-kappa-B1 (NF-kB). (24)

Butyrate helps with weight loss

Benefits of butyrate in the diet may include increased ketone production and decreased glucose production in the liver.

The cow's livers benefited from the additional butyrate supplements - less sugar was created in the livers of the four cows (small study) and also more ketones were produced - a protein based source of energy: "The increase in ruminal butyrate supply increased ketogenesis and decreased gluconeogenesis in the liver of lactating dairy cows." (1) Decreased gluconeogenesis in the liver would be protective against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, (NAFLD), a chronic degenerative condition which has become more prevalent in the last decade or two.