Wednesday, April 6, 2022


the liars and killers like Fauci, and Gallo, and Hazeltine, and Essex and Flossie bunch. And the Margaret Fischls, and these people are getting by with a lie and getting paid immense sums of money for it and getting praised by the rest of the world while they murdered.  The study at the University of Miami was completely fraudulent.  [Willner must be referring to this study in which Fischl was involved.] 

If you consider that the "AIDS Gang": Robert Gallo, Anthony Fauci, William Hazeltine, Max Essex, James Curran, Flossie Wong Stall, Dani Bolognesi, Margaret Fischl . . . Dr. Robert Gallo took the credit for this abomination and insult to sci-ence ...

The author of the book Deadly Deception Dr Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide thirty years ago. “For nearly thirty years, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been an un-elected medical science bureaucrat directing the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH.) Not even subject to Senate confirmation, Fauci has amassed informal power over HIV-AIDS research grant proposals funded with billions of taxpayer dollars. Research directed and influenced by Fauci for over three decades has failed to find a cure for HIV disease, as the ever-morphing acquired immune deficiency syndrome is now called, nor has it yielded a vaccine against the purportedly pathogenic retrovirus. Dr. Fauci has misused public funds for a narrow view of AIDS research, but especially for recent “PrEP” trials that benefit one U.S. based pharmaceutical corporation, the worldwide revenue leader in sales of HIV anti-retrovirals, the Biblically-named Gilead Sciences corporation, with earthly headquarters in Foster City, California.

Fresh ginger & lemongrass to my food daily

In the eyes of Democrat apparatchiks, Biden is shark chum.

Constitutionally, Obama can't replace Biden or Harris, but Michelle Obama can.

Is there a connection to 5G?


But all of social media is working to censor details about the war that conflicts with the CIA's and NeoCons' narrative.  

Even AdSense is discouraging that discussion.