Tuesday, March 29, 2022

NEW PFIZER DOCUMENT: Immunosuppression in first 7 days. Oh, and Pfizer concedes that Natural Immunity exists. So we didn't need the shots after all?

Neustar, Subsentio, and Yaana: Shadowy Tech Brokers that Deliver Your Data to the NSA

1,925% Increase in Fetal Deaths from COVID Vaccines

It doesn't matter what the CDC says. With this updated knowledge on fetal deaths, the CDC has not changed its safety recommendations with the vaccines for expectant mothers.  Given what we know of the vaccines' ability to sterilize populations, you can bet that these grieving mothers and fathers won't get a second chance at bringing another life into the world.

Americans like to feel good renouncing the Jewish holocaust of WWII, and we should: it is good to condemn it.  We must  But how do you reconcile that virtue of condemning what one country did 70 years ago to what Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Scott Gottlieb, Francis Collins, and CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla have done to U.S. citizens?  Where's our condemnation of this vaccine holocaust?

"It’s a little black piece of plastic"

Thank you to Larry L. Beane @ Lew Rockwell.

Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.
~ George Orwell

Evil has only the power we give it.
~ Ray Bradbury

In the 1940s, when television was still in its infancy, Orwell foresaw    the power of the screen as a means of mind-control and political demagoguery by dictators pushing central economic planning and treating human beings like soulless cogs.

What he perhaps did not foresee (though others like Ray Bradbury did) was the voluntary nature of our mental imprisonment: the role of entertainment. It is as though free people willingly chained themselves in Plato’s cave to escape reality.

I think this explains a lot.

If all of the sudden, everyone turned off the TV, if we were to simultaneously stop being cud-chewing television watchers, if we were to cut our ties to degenerate actors and content-producers and opinion shapers, there would be an almost immediate revolution: cultural and perhaps even political.  We would come to our senses, rediscover objective reality, and reclaim our minds, our souls, and our liberties in short order.

Our lords and masters certainly know this. We are in a prison of our own making, and the key is in our hands. It’s a little black piece of plastic with an aptly named button: “power.”

"a lot of people forgot, or maybe never knew, just being alive is not the same thing as living life."

Thank you to Lew RockwellHawaii was the last state in the empire union to end the indoor mask mandates and travel restrictions.  

Writes Greg Privette:

Good morning Lew,

I saw the above noted Laurence Vance post on the blog. It contained this: Orlando has got to be the outdoor mask capital of the South.

It makes you wonder if Orlando is now heavily populated by people from New York who fled the craziness, but brought the craziness with them?

Sadly, I believe many of these people will likely wear masks anywhere outside their house for the rest of their lives. Throughout this nonsense a lot of people forgot, or maybe never knew, just being alive is not the same thing as living life.