Sunday, February 27, 2022

They Tell Us to ‘Trust the Science.’ But Who Paid for It?

Stephane Bancel, Moderna's CEO, fails to dispute the claim that a 19 nucleotide strand found in SARS-CoV-2 was patented by his company years before COVID

I sure hope these mass murdering, criminal CEOs get sued into extinction or live the rest if their lives in a jail cell.  Short of that means the justice system is bought, paid-for, and owned by some extrajudicial cabal.  Remember what is known so far.  It's not just the jabbed who are living through the hell if gene therapy but plenty of close friends and family who been passively vaccinated due to shedding.  The graphene oxide inside the vaccine is wreaking havoc on blood and circulation and cancers.   


Blood is a biological medium based in water.  

Saturday, February 26, 2022

"It is better to be an enemy of the Americans than their friend"

"It is better to be an enemy of the Americans than their friend. If you are their enemy, they might try to buy you; but if you are their friend they will definitely sell you."  John Laughland

elevating levels of non-fermentable ketone bodies, offers a simple and parsimonious therapeutic strategy for managing most cancers

"The simultaneous targeting of glucose and glutamine, while elevating levels of non-fermentable ketone bodies, offers a simple and parsimonious therapeutic strategy for managing most cancers."