Sunday, February 13, 2022


The article above reports on how methylated selenium, brand name Seleno, enhances the antioxidant capacity of retinal epithelial cells on the cells exterior [COVID and spike proteins are an intra-cellular disease] by inducing the transporter xc to increase glutathione, the master anti-oxidant.  The poster's comments read "higher doses" without identifying how much.  Some researchers caution against iver doing it.  And since most selenium comes in doses if 200mcg, doubling that would be more than sufficient to qualify as "higher doses."  Any more than that simply doesn't get absorbed.

Nutrients absolutely improve quality of health and quality of life.  What's that phrase?  Better living through chemistry.  Just avoid doctor-prescribed meds.  Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death.  So buyer beware. 

Of note, whenever a single nutrient is praised or promoted, know that "in vivo," meaning in your body, meaning metabolized nutrients interact with others to deliver their benefits.  Too many of the articles listing or covering the benefits don't cover the necessity of synergy from other nutrients.  Yes, selenium is good, essential even, but know that zinc is also required.  What does selenium do?  It helps to release zinc into the blood to activate vitamin D3.

Bill Sardi explains:

Zinc: how to convert vitamin D to its active form

The masses don’t need to get a prescription for calcitriol from their doctor. The trace mineral zinc facilitates maximum calcitriol levels via release from white blood cells known as macrophages.  Zinc is particularly important when calcium or phosphorus are depleted.  Zinc is commonly deficient among patients with kidney disease.  The lack of stomach acid in senior adults impairs zinc absorption.  Selenium is needed to release free unbound zinc from its carrier protein, metallothionein.

It is unconscionable that oncologists and infectious disease specialists don’t prescribe zinc across the board for their patients given its important role in releasing calcitriol from its binders.

Zinc is also documented to increase vitamin D receptor on the surface of cells and thus increase calcium binding protein.

Furthermore, the trace mineral zinc inhibits nagalase, the enzyme that degrades a liver protein called Gc Protein Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF).  It is GcMAF that stimulates white blood cell called macrophages that literally engulfs and devours pathogens and cancer cells.

MISSOURI EMBALMER: 93% of cases died from the vaccine

Be sure to read the notes to the video.

What a damning indictment. Missouri embalmer began noticing fibrin clots in late May of 2021, which means that the clots don't take forever to develop. Whether it's the spike protein itself that generates the clots or the genetic sequences in the protein that starts the clots is not clear to me. What is clear to me is that the vaccines are 100% responsible, full stop.  No doubt.  Absolutely.  

So now you know.  Now you know.  So what are you going to do about it?  What are you prepared to do?

Nattokinase dissolves both platelet and fibrin clots.  Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue and fibrin clots that actually form the basis of tumors.  These clots are a kind of tumor, but instead of the patient dying years later from cancer after his immune system puts up a valiant fight, people are dying of fibrin-clot-induced heart attacks and strokes.  Clog the veins and arteries and you're cutting off oxygen and nutrients to vital organs. 

Protect yourself: make Nattokinase and Serrapeptase, both enzymes, part of your daily regimen.  You must survive.  You must fight to survive.  Get these compounds in your body.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Our supplements are owned by people trying to kill us . . .

Funny.  I was thinking of this just the other day. 


giant billboard has been placed in Times Square, asking Joe Biden to repeal the mask mandates. “Hey Joe! Even your home state is ditching the mask requirements. Isn’t it time you do the same?!” the billboard reads. The Job Creators Network (JCN) erected the ad and has been a large opponent of mandates. They have been very effective in making progress. The website states:

“In the Biden Administration’s latest offensive in the war on small business, the White House, through the Department of Labor, attempted to impose a de facto vaccine mandate that would impact more than 80 million private sector employees—many of which work at small businesses. JCN was the first business group to file legal action against the executive overreach and, now, the Supreme Court has blocked the rule.”

The Job Creation Network sued the Biden Administration for forcing people out of the workforce by requiring vaccine mandates. “The federal government doesn’t have the power to require small businesses to carry out its de facto national vaccine mandate. JCN’s lawsuit intends to block this federal power grab,” the group said. A judge agreed that Biden’s mandate was an abuse of power and repealed the Executive Order – resistance is not futile.


Huberman vs. Hughes