Your intestinal bacteria, are major players in fighting off C19. So if you've been on antibiotics, consider finding a "real" probiotic at a nutrition science store. Some at WM contain 2 or 3 billion. Some at Nutrition stores contain 300, 400, 500 billion. See the difference?
— DCGreenZone (@DCGreenZone1) February 10, 2022
Sabine has said she never sees much change with store bought probiotics. Good based seems better.
— CarrieGold🤩 (@DiddyIts) February 10, 2022
1/ It worked for me with menstrual cramps. You would be surprised. I think many surgeries with cyst issues or fibroids could be avoided. I have given high concentration of probiotics to friend and they are so surprised and happy when their pain it’s gone half hour or so later.
— Rose Porti (@Porti86862233) February 10, 2022
2/ I think it has to do with the acidity and the women reproduction system close to the colon, like a fibroid adjacent to the colon. Some probiotics that have worked with menstrual pain for me are Culturelle by a Tufts doctor and Pearls. #integratedhealth #IntegratedHealth
— Rose Porti (@Porti86862233) February 10, 2022
FOOD based (autocorrect!) Kefir, kombucha, raw sauerkraut, kimchi, Natto, homemade yogurt (bravo yogurt for extra lactoferrin as well)
— CarrieGold🤩 (@DiddyIts) February 10, 2022
Find Culturelle products here.
The reference above to Sabine is to Dr. Sabine Hazan. Check out her book, Let's Talk Sh!t: Disease, Digestion, and Fecal Transplants. Looks like she is located out of Ventura, CA. Dr. Sabine Hazan is a Southern California gastroenterologist and is CEO of Progenabiome and Ventura Clinical Trials.