Wednesday, November 17, 2021

DR. SHANKARA CHETTY: they offered me a beer and a donut but I still don’t want to skydive, you still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity

Dr. Shankara Chetty.

It’s the allergic reaction that causes death.  But that is not the end game.  That is to test the waters.

We’ve been conned into thinking that giving away all our freedoms

Spike protein is also a membrane protein.  The mRNA will distribute it throughout our body.  It will be manufactured in various tissues throughout our body.  It will be incorporated into those membranes around our body in those specific tissues.  Those tissues will be recognized as foreign and will trigger a host of autoimmune responses.  So the deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations were never meant to be able to be pinned on the poison.  They will be too diverse, too many, and too broad of a timeframe to understand that we have been poisoned.  And I think this is the big plan.  The toxin is dependent on the host’s response to it.  We got mild, modest, and severe responses to COVID after the 8th day and it confused most of us.  So as we keep talking about COVID pneumonia and we keep chasing the virus, but the virus was just the vector to give us a taste of the poison.  Now this toxin, in the long-term, is going to get people with pre-existing illnesses to have those illnesses exacerbated.  It has bits of prion in it, it has bits of HIV in it, so people with cancers are going to have their cancers flare up, and they’ll say they died of the cancer.  People with [blood] vessel injuries, like diabetics and hypertensives are going to have strokes and heart attacks at varying times and will attribute those to their pre-existing conditions.  People are going to develop over time autoimmune diseases, a diverse of which will never be addressed by any pharmaceutical intervention because they are far too targeted.  We gave up our freedoms and were told that jail is the best place to be secure.  So we willing went down that road.  Now, today, if we want our freedoms back, they’ve got a mandated vaccine, like we were herded like cattle into a car, and the only way out is through the dip, and that is how we lost our freedoms.  The vaccines make absolutely no sense.  We were sold the vaccine as our savior from the start, and if we look at the science, the science does not play out.  The vaccine was absolutely non-sensical.  We keep fighting about how good the vaccine is or how bad it is.  Two points: vaccines are meant to stimulate immunity, and in doing so prevent infection and transmission.  That’s what gives the vaccine in a population or group a benefit.  So if you get the vaccine, by protecting yourself from the virus and not getting it, you protect me.  Clearly, that has not occurred.  This COVID vaccine does not do that.  Now they claim that the vaccine has a benefit in preventing severe illness and death.  That is a therapeutic benefit.  My intervention with treatment does the same, but I do not expose the entire world to the side effects of my treatment.  I only expose sick people to that.  And that therapeutic benefit does not come from immunity but from the vaccine exposing you to spike protein and building a measure of tolerance to an allergen not to any immune-mediated response to a virus.  So the virus distracts us from the big picture.  It’s the spike protein that’s the toxin here.  Secondly, the prevention of severe illness and death is an individual benefit if it actually does that.  So if you take the vaccine, it prevents you from getting severely ill or dying.  It has no group or herd benefit.  It does not benefit me at all.  So why am I being coerced into forcing you to take the vaccine for me?  To put that into perspective, skydiving is an individual risk and an individual benefit that does not influence anyone around me.  So my right to choose to skydive is vitally important.  Now they want me to skydive because they say it benefits humanity.  Now they can’t prove the science and can’t tell me how this act of mine is going to benefit humanity yet they insist I do it.  When I do it, and I can’t see the science, they offered me a beer and a donut but I still don’t want to skydive, you still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity.  Now, it looks like they want to push me out the plane, but when I look up, the parachute that they’ve provided me with is full of holes and they don’t want to admit to that and I see a few dead bodies on the ground and they’re telling me that they’re fast asleep, and I don’t believe that.  Now, if they can prove a population benefit to the vaccine, maybe I’ll take this plunge for the benefit of humanity.  But until that point, we are being coerced.   

And through these low-frequency waves, people will be unable to think,

Here is the 1995 presentation by Dr. Pierre Gilbert, one of the resources that Richie from Boston produced.  Thanks to James Vril.

Dr. Pierre Gilbert on Magnetic Vaccines (from 1995)

Wondering why magnets stick to your vaccine injection site??

The technology was already present in 1995.

"In the biological destruction, there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make it possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low-frequency waves, people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda"

Taking Yarrow orally, such as in a tea, is said to help treat smallpox.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Times are extreme, use caution.