Monday, September 6, 2021

"If schools don’t implement draconian Covid policies they won’t get massive federal funds from the Covid relief plan. Teachers unions know this & want that money"

FRANCE: “it is possible the unvaxxed are protecting the rest of the community by stopping a new variant from appearing.”

$32.7 Million in Bonuses for "Extraordinary" Teachers Who Worked from Home Amid the Pandemic

The DailyWire gives a fuller treatment..   

'Naturally immunized' staffer sues Michigan State over vaccine mandate

The virus does not spread asymptomatically.

 Rumble — 

1. The virus does not spread asymptomatically.

2. We should never test asymptomatic people.

3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable.

4. COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.

5. The current vaccines are obsolete, unsafe, and unfit for human use