Wednesday, August 19, 2020

"a time will come when medicine will organize into a [. . . ] dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others."

Originally appeared at No Face Mask.  Thank you, Robert Wenzel, for posting this video at your TargetLiberty.
Who is Dr. Ben Tapper?  Read about him here.
I don't wear a mask, I see over 200 patients a week.  I come in close proximity with every patient I come across.  
Americans make up 5% of the world's population yet we take in 65 to 70% of the world's pharmaceutical drugs.
And yet 80% of Americans are suffering from chronic disease associated with poor lifestyle choices.   
700,000 Americans will die of heart disease this year alone.
600,000 will die of cancer.
300,000 will die of obesity this year.  When is enough enough?
If this is truly about health, then mandate healthy living, exercise, good food choices, chiropractic, outlaw tobacco, cigarettes, processed sugars.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who stated that 
if the people want the government to decide which foods we eat, what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry state as those souls who live under tyranny.
We must eat well, move well, think well, and we can be well.  In other words, your level of health is the genetic expression of your lifestyle choices.  
Benjamin Rush, a medical doctor and a signer of the U.S. Constitution, said
Unless we put medical freedom in the constitution, a time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others.
That time is now! 
These masks have absolutely nothing to do with health but everything to do with complying with a false-flag, tyrannical agenda.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020



This is one of the better, clearly-presented videos that I've seen on the increase in COVID cases.  What we're seeing is a spike in COVID testing, which if you go looking for a virus you will eventually find viral fragments even after the flu season.  This is the point of recommending and issuing more tests--to spike the number of cases to keep fueling the epidemic narrative. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

"Thank you. Dr. Fauci. Explain to us why you haven’t been downgraded to pumping gas in Death Valley or sent to prison?"

BOMBSHELL:  Fauci: a fraud.  Robert Redfield, head of CDC:  a fraud. Dr. Birx: a fraud.
Thank you. Dr. Fauci. Explain to us why you haven’t been downgraded to pumping gas in Death Valley or sent to prison?

"Tony Fauci and the Swine Flu Disaster; Betrayal of Trust," Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews, August 14, 2020.
"The Delusion Called Fauci," Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews, May 28, 2020.
"Hydroxychloriquine, COVID, FDA, and Pharma and All Its Whores Around the World," Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews, July 30, 2020.

"COVID: How Self-Entitled Frauds at Imperial College Changed the World," Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews," August 6, 2020.
"Does HIV Exist?  An Explosive Interview," Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews, August 11, 2020. 

"CDC Spider Scientists Attack the CDC, Blow the Lid Off," Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews, January 17, 2017.

"Is U.S. Health Really the Best in the World?Dr. Barbara Starfield, AMA, July 26, 2000--Volume 284, No. 4.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


First, Pam talks about the role of employers in mandates.  She cites the EEO Commission, pointing out that employers cannot force employees to take a Coronavirus antibody test because to do so would be in violation of Americans With Disability Act.  The new guidance comes after the federal agency gave employers the green light to test employees to see if they have the virus. This recent change in direction seems to indicate that there is some listening going on in terms of violations of rights.  An antibody test constitutes a medical examination under the ADA.  Antibodies are not a valid test.  A T-cell count test is.  Pam believes that we're going to see more challenges based on this law.  HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws allow all of us to keep our health information private.  She alludes to the language of the law that says the antibody tests "shouldn't be relied on for anything until more research is done."  
This was an excellent presentation where Pam offers lots of resources but mainly for her tackling a Forbes Magazine article, titled "You Must Not Do Your Research When It Comes to Science," by Dr. Ethan Siegel, who warns people of doing their own research.  In all my years, I've never heard such an ignorant statement.  Doing your own research, through reading and writing, is exactly how individuals learn and how we develop some authority in a field.  
What a clown.  The writer's name is Dr. Ethan Siegel. 
James Corbett with an UPDATE: