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Showing posts sorted by date for query studies and lies. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 28, 2021

NIH ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS: 89% of preclinical experiments can’t even be reproduced—which is fundamental to good science—resulting in an annual waste of $28 billion.

Good to see that PETA has been on the attack of Fauci and Collins for a while, for experiments like these.   

90% of studies on animals ultimately fail to produce viable medications for humans. Yet, half of NIH funding goes toward experiments on animals.  She said that animals are cheap, universities and agencies receive large amounts of funding to carry out these “experiments,” and most of them are done in secrecy.

Thanks to Martin Armstrong.  

(From PETA’s website: “To keep driving the message home, PETA supporters in giant blow-up dinosaur costumes have been following the president to various events carrying signs that read, ‘Biden: Don’t Appoint Another NIH Dinosaur.’”

PETA has finally spoken out against Dr. Fauci’s cruel experiments on beagle puppies. When the news was first released, the agency was banning anyone who tweeted them about Fauci, but now, PETA is calling upon the Biden Administration to fire all National Institute of Health heads. Although PETA certainly has [its] own extremist views on other topics, they are making valid points about how utterly unnecessary these very expensive tests have been.

PETA Vice President Kathy Guillermo appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show in 2019 and explained how 90% of studies on animals ultimately fail to produce viable medications for humans. Yet, half of NIH funding goes toward experiments on animals. She said that animals are cheap, universities and agencies receive large amounts of funding to carry out these “experiments,” and most of them are done in secrecy.

Newsmax directly asked Guillermo if she thought Fauci should resign, and without hesitation, she said, “Yes!” As a reminder, the Food and Drug Administration does not require animal testing to pass new drugs. PETA has raised the flag and called for NIH Francis Collins to resign for conducting similarly cruel experiments. Fauci’s experiments “amounted to lies,” and Guillermo is now calling on Americans to urge President Biden to remove Fauci from office.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are going toward these experiments that have not produced any significant improvements toward human life. PETA’s page to remove Collins notes, “Eighty-nine percent of preclinical experiments can’t even be reproduced—which is fundamental to good science—resulting in an annual waste of $28 billion.” An annual waste of $28 billion is beyond alarming. Fauci has moved on to testing drug concoctions on humans, and we need to wake up and realize that we have become the new sample group.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

"The vaccines themselves are a conveniently short-lived solution even if they do work."

By Brandon Smith

For many months now I have been warning that the design behind the pandemic lockdowns is a perpetual one; meaning, the lockdowns are MEANT to last forever. We can see this in the very commentary of the establishment elites that are pushing for the mandates; their most frequent argument being that the pandemic restrictions are the “new normal”. This assertion is outlined by globalists like Gideon Lichfield of MIT in his article ‘We’re Not Going Back To Normal’. In it he states:

“Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.

…one can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.”

In my article ‘Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society’, I dismantled Lichfield’s arguments and outlined why the controls the establishment is attempting to put in place have been planned far in advance. The so-called “great reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” has been in development since at least 2014 when the terms were first being injected into the mainstream economic media. The ideas of a cashless society, the “sharing economy”, biometric mass surveillance, social credit scores, etc, have all been part of the globalist agenda for decades. The coronavirus is merely a useful crisis for them to exploit as a rationale for the draconian measures they have always wanted.

The plan was so predictable that I even pointed out at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak that lockdowns would not end even if a working vaccination was developed because all they have to do is declare that a “new mutation” of the virus has been found which is resistant to existing treatments. Or, they could engineer a whole new virus and release it into the population in order to keep the Reset machine rolling forward.

Not surprisingly, just as news hit the wires that the barely tested and highly suspect Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were being released to the public, reports have begun to trickle in of more infectious” Covid mutations found in places like the UK, India and South Africa.

I’m not sure how much more transparent the elites can get.

Take the Pfizer vaccine now and you might receive an immunity passport for a few months, and then it will become void with every new mutation of the virus. So, you must then submit to ENDLESS vaccinations, many of then untested and potentially hazardous. As the former VP of Pfizer and other medical professionals have warned, these vaccines are like Russian Roulette and could cause an autoimmune response that leads to sterility or other harmful reactions.

The vaccines themselves are a conveniently short-lived solution even if they do work. They require multiple doses over the course of a month, and renewed vaccinations are to take place possibly every few months. Basically, it never ends. With the mutations and limited antibodies from the vaccines, the elites could keep the lockdowns and mandates in place for many years to come.

The World Health Organization is making it clear that vaccination will not necessarily be considered a solution to viral spread. Meaning, even if you are vaccinated you will still be considered a potential carrier and transmitter of Covid, therefore the lockdowns and mask mandates will not stop. This begs the question – What’s the point of the vaccine?

The WHO chief scientist cites the fact that there is not enough evidence to prove that the vaccines prevent transmission. By that logic, we could also argue that there is no evidence that the vaccines are 95% effective, or that they are safe in the slightest.

In the meantime, the WHO and our friendly neighborhood fascist Dr. Anthony Fauci are consistently spreading the narrative that the “worst outbreak” is yet to come. Gotta keep that fear train chugging forward on the track to the “Great Reset”, right?

For the people that actually believe that the covid crisis will end after mass vaccinations, I’m sorry to say, but you have been duped. Every single element of the establishment response and every public statement they make indicates that they plan to violate your civil liberties for a long time to come. Those promises of relief right around the corner? All lies. The claim that if you go along to get along everything will go back to normal? It’s a con. It is hollow rhetoric designed to make you shut up and submit to medical tyranny for just long enough that it becomes irreversible.

I suspect they are hoping they can condition the public over the next few years to simply adapt to the controls until we forget what life was like before the pandemic and the reset. It seems, however, that the globalist reset plan is not going very well.

The vaccines and the mutation news feel rushed, to say the least. Initially, the establishment said that it would take at least 18 months just to develop a vaccine for trials and testing, and that the lockdowns would continue well beyond that time frame until a majority of the population was shown to have immunity. Instead, they tossed out multiple vaccines within 6 months and the mutation narrative is already in the news.

I believe this is because resistance to the pandemic lockdowns is growing and the number of people refusing to take the vaccines appears to be high. As they say, the revolution will not be televised, but it is still impossible to hide completely.

In Europe, a huge percentage of the population (around 50% or more depending on the country) are hesitant to take the vaccine. In the US, polls show that at least 30% of the population will refuse outright, while 60% of people are hesitant about effectiveness.

Even large numbers of health care workers are refusing the vaccine, and these are the people with the most pressure to submit or face consequences.

Hilariously, the media is arguing that though there have been “some allergic reactions” to the shot, there is “no evidence of serious long term side effects”. Perhaps that is because there are NO STUDIES of the long-term effects and there were minimal trials before the vaccines were released? I mean, is this not basic logic? Do they really think we are that dumb?

So far it seems hundreds of millions of people are not that dumb. Surprisingly, even sheriffs and police across the country are openly refusing to enforce mandates and carry out color-of-law punishments against citizens that do not submit. This is really a huge obstacle for the globalists and their reset.

The virus has produced a 0.26% IFR (Infection Fatality Ratio) among anyone not in a nursing home with preexisting conditions. Over 40% of Covid deaths are attributed to elderly people that were already suffering from numerous ailments. Only around 10% of people that end up hospitalized for covid suffer from long term health concerns (more than three months). And, only around 15% of ICU beds are in use across the US, meaning that the claims of over-capacity and full hospitals were nothing more than fear-mongering all along.

Consider the fact that hundreds of thousands of people already die each year from infectious diseases like the flu and pneumonia and Covid starts to seem far less threatening. It is certainly not an excuse for medical lockdowns and Orwellian contact tracing measures.

On top of that, numerous studies are revealing that the lockdowns and the masks are completely ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus. The states and countries with some of the most strictly enforced mandates also tend to be the places with the highest infection spikes.

Because of this, it makes sense that many people are refusing to comply with the mandates. The media claims we are conspiracy theorists that believe the virus “doesn’t exist”; this is not the case. In fact, I have long suspected that the narrative that the virus “doesn’t exist” was a psyop or strawman that would be used against the liberty movement later to discredit our resistance to medical lockdowns.

Most of us are well aware [that] the virus exists. Some of us have already dealt with it and recovered from it. What we are saying is that the CDC, the WHO, and the medical community’s OWN STATISTICS show that Covid is not a threat to more than 99% of the population. If we are to accept their stats as even remotely accurate, then Covid becomes a non-issue for most people.

Again, I will ask the question that the mainstream refuses to ask:

Why is 99% of the population being told they must sacrifice their jobs, their businesses, and their liberties in the name of making less than 1% of the population feel safer? Why not ask the 0.26% of the people under threat from the virus to volunteer to stay home so that the rest of us can get on with normal life? Why are we doing the opposite of what makes the most sense?

The answer is that the pandemic response is about dominance, not public health. People are starting to recognize this, and they are about to revolt.

So, the next logical step for the establishment if they really want to institute their reset agenda is to introduce a new threat. Meaning, they need a “mutation” of the virus or a completely new virus in order to create the kind of fear that is required to manipulate the public into going along with further control.

Will a new and deadlier virus be found? Maybe. In most cases, viruses tend to evolve into less deadly strains of the original. They also tend to balance out their rate of spread versus their rate of mortality. In other words, like any other creature, viruses evolve to survive, and a virus cannot survive if it kills off a majority of its potential hosts. So, they mutate to become more infectious, but invariably less deadly.

If a “mutation” does show up on the scene that is more deadly than the current form of Covid-19, then I would be highly suspicious of its origins. What is most likely is that that the elites are in a panic and they are using the mutation narrative as a propaganda tool to illicit terror and conformity in the public. There may be no mutation at all, or the mutations will have no significant bearing on the death rate.

Ironically, by rushing out the vaccines as well as the mutation stories, the elites have sabotaged themselves. They wanted to blitzkrieg the public with the lockdowns and they met heavier resistance than they expected. So, they put the vaccination program on a bullet train, and now the public is wary of being injected with a vaccine model that is barely tested. Now, they are promoting the mutation bogeyman and this only makes people question why they should take any vaccine at all? If the virus is going to continually mutate then why take a questionable vaccine that could be useless in a matter of months?

All the mutation narrative does is further expose what the true agenda is – What the elites want is never-ending lockdowns. There is no program to save lives or flatten the curve. The entire health argument is utter nonsense. Nothing that has been done so far supports the notion that public health is the priority. Instead, what we are seeing is a mad dash towards totalitarianism using Covid as the excuse, and the effort is failing.

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Saturday, December 28, 2019


Mike Adams has a new article out, titled "Profile of a CIA-Funded Vaccine Propagandist: Lena Sun at the Washington Post Attacks Natural Health Pioneers While Pimping Deadly Vaccines."  Find it at Natural News.  (If you've got the time, the videos in that article present some alarming and valuable information.  Thanks to Lew Rockwell.
(Natural News) The Washington Post is a CIA front, owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of, who also built much of the CIA’s “private cloud” data processing infrastructure after winning a $600 million contract from the agency in 2013.  In the years since, the Washington Post has functioned as pure propaganda, pushing fake “Russia hoax” news, smearing Trump administration officials and promoting the lies of deep state criminals like John Brennan and James Comey who are still trying to pull off an illegal political coup.
“The corporate media serve the function of manufacturing consent for government policy by systematically lying to the public about what science tells us about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines,” writes health policy analyst Jeremy R. Hammond on his website.
CIA-funded is quietly turning into a pharmaceutical retailer
But the Washington Post’s malicious propaganda and lies don’t end with geopolitics: They’re also in bed with Big Pharma, pushing the vaccine industry’s talking points while smearing all the pioneers of natural health and health freedom. That’s because Jeff Bezos is quietly turning into a pharmaceutical company, having already purchased one online pharmacy company for $1 billion while rapidly expanding its state pharmacy licenses to be able to retail prescription drugs across America.
According to media reports, Amazon believes it could earn $50 billion a year selling prescription drugs, and it has hired a team of drug industry experts in preparation for launching nationwide prescription medication retail operations.
But to maximize its drug profits, Jeff Bezos needed a way to suppress the sales of nutritional supplements and natural health products that keep people healthy. After all, healthy people don’t need prescription drugs and Amazon’s Big Pharma profit model relies on keeping people popping medication pills every day for the rest of their (miserable) lives.
Jeff Bezos uses the Washington Post as a weapon to attack the natural health industry
The Bezos solution? Unleash propagandists like Lena Sun at the Washington Post to smear natural health pioneers like Dr. Mercola, claiming natural health supplements are “unapproved by the FDA.” (Because they’re not drugs, so of course they’re not approved as drugs.)
Lena Sun is, essentially, the “vaccine deep state” propagandist for the CIA front known as the Washington Post, a malicious, anti-America, anti-health, anti-human disinformation rag run by spooks and truly evil people who want the worst for America. These people not only want to see America overrun by illegal immigrants via open borders policies, they want all Americans to stay sick enough to need prescription medications from, which will be announcing a nationwide drug retail operation very soon.
To keep people sick, malicious anti-journalists like Lena Sun have to lie about the safety of vaccines as a way to convince people to keep taking the very shots that spread infectious disease and contaminate their bodies with aluminum, mercury, squalene and other toxic chemicals that are deliberately formulated into vaccines. So Lena Sun, obviously under orders from the vaccine deep state, falsely writes that all vaccines are safety tested against the entire childhood vaccination schedule before being released. It’s an outright lie, of course, and she refuses to retract it, but that’s how the CIA rolls: just gaslight everybody while demanding anyone who questioned your lies be silenced or discredited.
If you see this woman on the street near D.C., hide your children because she wants them to be maimed with medical violence in the form of vaccines:

In April 2017, Lena Sun wrote a Washington Post article arguing that it’s “a bad idea” for parents to space out their children’s vaccinations rather than strictly complying with the routine schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The concern many parents have is that too many vaccines or too many at one time may be harmful.
[Lena Sun had written] “The effectiveness of the vaccine schedule is tested extensively to ensure that the vaccines in the combination don’t interfere with one another and can be easily handled by the infant and the child’s immune system. No new immunization is added to the schedule until it has been evaluated both alone and when given with the other current immunizations.”
But that is a brazen lie. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), which the CDC itself relies on as an authoritative source, acknowledged in a 2013 report that “existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule”. As the IOM reiterated, “studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.”
I contacted the Washington Post to point out their error and request a correction. I sent several emails providing them with those sources and then spoke to Lena Sun on the phone. She confirmed that she and the editors had received my request for a correction. She also acknowledged having looked at the IOM report I’d provided. She nevertheless refused to acknowledge her error, instead unthinkingly and absurdly accusing me of having taken the IOM quote “out of context”—as though there was some context that could fundamentally alter the plain meaning of the IOM’s statements so as to accord with Sun’s opposite claim.
Both Lena Sun and her editors know better, but to this day, the article on the Post website continues to lie deliberately to parents by telling them that no vaccine is added to the schedule until it’s been studied for safety when given along with all the other vaccines on the schedule.
Lena Sun is a filthy propagandist for the CIA and the vaccine deep state
Lena Sun is such a deceptive, filthy propagandist for the CIA and the vaccine deep state that Children’s Health Defense (CHD) recently took the time to point out Sun’s vast array of lies and deceptions. Here’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s article entitled, “Lena Sun’s Function at Washington Post: Blindly Defend Vaccines.”
Article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 
Sun’s function at Washington Post is blindly defending vaccines and defaming all who challenge the Pharmaceutical Paradigm. Because her editors anoint Sun with absolution from fact-checking, her hatchet jobs are parades of reckless invention. She refuses to retract her 2017 assertion that all new vaccines are safety tested against the entire schedule even after investigative journalist Jeremy Hammond confronted her with CDC and IOM’s definitive disavowals.
Sun’s latest targetDr. Joe Mercola earned Sun’s ire by financing Barbara Loe Fisher’s National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) which publishes scrupulously sourced vaccination science. Sun attacks @drmercola for recommending vitamins and other remedies which, Sun complains, are not approved by the FDA. FDA receives 50% of its budget from Pharma.

According to Cochrane Collaboration founder Peter Gotczche, FDA approved drugs are now the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Prescription drugs kill over 200,000 Americans each year. Half die from drug side effects and half from errors by doctors who prescribe those drugs without the encyclopedic understanding required to keep track of their myriad contraindications and interactions. Facts sourced herehere and here.
FDA routinely approves useless and absurdly lethal drugs because Pharma’s control of medical journals has made virtually all the science that FDA relies upon unreliable.
Lancet editor Dr. Richard Horton acknowledged in 2002 that the journals that publish the drug studies upon which FDA bases its approvals “have devolved into laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry” and that “half the published science is probably untrue.” BMJ editor Dr Peter Doshi calls Pharma’s clinical trials “misleading” and NEJM editor Marcia Angel said “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published.” The world’s leading authority on medical research, Dr. John Ioannides said that 90% of FDA’s published medical information is flawed and riddled with conflicts.

Lena Sun puts her trust in government authority instead of science.
I’ll take my chances with hard science, inquisitive, skeptical minds and thoughtful, compassionate healers like Dr. Mercola.
[CHD NOTE: The irony in Lena Sun’s headline followed by an ad for a pharmaceutical is inescapable.]
Read more news exposing vaccine propaganda and the “official lies” of the corporate-controlled media at
The bottom line: CIA-funded vaccine propagandists are everywhere in the corporate-controlled media, and they don’t care how many children DIE.
Stated flatly and honestly, vaccine propagandists are child murderers. And the thing is, they know that’s what they are, just like abortion and infanticide activists know they’re also child murderers.
These are dark-hearted, twisted, serial criminal-minded individuals who actively seek out ways to maximize the harming of children with toxic vaccines, laced with neurotoxic substances like aluminum, squalene and Thimerosal. Understand that harming children is not a “side effect” of the vaccine agenda, it’s the primary goal.
After all, how can the public be counted on to believe the propaganda lies and deep state drivel published by the Washington Post if they aren’t first partially lobotomized with mercury in flu shots? One of the key functions of vaccines is to literally damage the brains of children and keep the IQ of the population suppressed. That’s why vaccines are intentionally laced with neurotoxins like MSG, formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum. These are all admitted ingredients in vaccines, according to the CDC.
Only a lunatic, a child murderer or a vaccine deep state propagandist would ever demand a healthy child be injected with such substances. Yet this is the official position of the Washington Post, to no one’s surprise.

Another function of vaccines, of course, is to cause widespread infertility and spontaneous abortions as part of the global depopulation agenda that’s also pushed by these same journo-demons who claim to be writing about “public health.” (In truth, they actually want to see much of the public exterminated.)
The Washington Post is anti-human, pro-communism propaganda written by journo-demons who despise humanity and seek to destroy children
Have no illusions: When you read the pages of the Washington Post, you are reading anti-human propaganda, which is exactly why The Washington Post also accepted bribes from communist China to publish hundreds of pro-communism propaganda articles, helping communist China achieve a positive reputation while it engages in the most vile human rights abuses of the modern world: Organ harvesting, human trafficking, targeting Falun Gong members for torture, rape and executions… these are all “values” that the Washington Post embraces.

No doubt Lena Sun also embraces these same values, for you don’t see her writing anything critical of the Washington Post’s advocacy for the murderous communist regime known as mainland China. Harvesting organs, raping women, torturing people who meditate and trafficking in human organs all seems to be perfectly fine with Lena Sun. And vaccinate your children too, see? Now you’re in alignment with the health-destroying agenda of the Washington Post, the CIA, communist China and all those who seek to destroy life, liberty, and America itself.

The creatures at the Washington Post are demons pretending to be journalists. They’re not even human anymore. They’ve surrendered their dark hearts to the Prince of Darkness, and that’s who’s talking to you through the Washington Post now: Demons that seek the total destruction of human health, human freedom, and human rights. And who do they attack? Dr. Mercola, myself (the Health Ranger) and other good people who have dedicated their lives to protecting human health from the medical violence of the vaccine industry.
We are bad, you see, for teaching people how to eat healthy, consume nutritious foods and avoid toxic prescription medications. The “good” people, according to Lena Sun and the Washington Post, are those who promote child mutilations, medical violence, chemical violence against children and the mass chemical contamination of the population with neurotoxic chemicals.
Heck, there’s probably even a Pulitzer Prize in there somewhere for the WaPo journalist who can manage to maim the greatest number of children with mandatory medical violence that causes febrile seizures, comas, and death — all admitted side effects of vaccines.
Stay informed: Connect with Brighteon,, and

CHD is also indexed at Censored.News, where you can see real-time headlines from all the most censored news sources across the web.

CHD is also indexed in the new search engine, which is set to launch in early January, focusing on connecting users with the truth about health topics like vaccines, fluoride, GMOs, 5G networks, geoengineering, natural cancer cures and more.
Read for the truth about vaccines on a daily basis, free from the evil, twisted, demonic agendas of the corporate-controlled media.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

"Tea and coffee contain naturally-occurring fluoride . . ."

On the heels of my recent post of "Toothhealth is dependent on gum health, and gum health is . . . related to vitaminC . . ." I was reading Sarah C. Corriher's article How to Cure Cavities at Twitter. And I thought I would comment on it a bit.

And I will start with a caveat.  This applies only to teeth that do not already have fillings, amalgam or otherwise.  Once your tooth has an amalgam filling inside your tooth, your tooth's movement is greatly restricted.  And if your tooth's movement is restricted, healing seems rather difficult.  In fact, one of the reasons why a filling might pop or fall out is because your tooth might be trying to regrow.  Sounds crazy, I know.  But this is what happens.  As long as bone is in your mouth and connected to roots that are connected to your jawbone that is connected to other bone structures, it means that your bones are being fed from somewhere.  And if they're being fed from somewhere, likely they are moving.  And by moving I don't mean they are doing somersaults or spinning like whirling dervishes.  I mean they move around.  So as they grow upward, they move upward or outward or to the side.  If they grow, they move. 

So there's that.  

Let's see what Ms. Corriher says about curing cavities.  I always learn something from the Corrihers.  When I first came across their site in 2014, I spent way too many hours combing through all of the different and helpful articles.  

Anyone old enough to fly through cyberspace for more than a decade or so knows--boy do we know--how extensive all of the health information is.  And the one shining light in all of this information, the light on which so many other have launched blogging efforts is Weston A. Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 1939.  Corriher opens her essay by citing Weston A. Price and conclusions he reached from his travels and studies that conflict with prevailing information that was accepted as knowledge.  
While traveling to some of the most remote regions and cultures of the world, Dr. Weston A. Price discovered that some groups which had no access to traditional medicine had extremely low incidences of cavities. He discovered that the cultures which consumed foods that were high in fats and minerals had the best dental health. Some of those groups did not even brush their teeth.
So, wait, ". . .some groups which had no access to traditional medicine had extremely low incidences of cavities"?  That in itself is remarkable.  Foods high in fat and minerals provided people with the best dental health.  Good to know.  But what stunned me was that last statement in that paragraph, "Some of those groups did not even brush their teeth."  How can that be?  My guess is that these groups did not consume large amounts of sugar that kids in more advanced, modern societies did. 

It's funny how things work.  My mom and dad were of the WWII generation.  For dates my dad would buy her a Snickers or Powerhouse candy bar, and they would split it.  And a Coke.  Very little concern, if any, given to the destructive effects of concentrated sugar consumption.  And if any concern was given, it was probably brushed away as something that the dentist would take care of.  There was so much trust in this and other medical professions.  I don't know why.  Actually, I do.  She explains here:
When people are malnourished, dental problems are often the first indicator. Most people from the Western world believe that teeth naturally decay with age, so everyone will inevitably get cavities. Popular consensus is that teeth self-destruct. However, a person’s diet primarily determines his dental health. The myth that people have no control over the deterioration of the teeth is one of the justifications for the fluoridation of water supplies, because it is tacitly contended that human teeth disintegrate without help from the chemical industry. In truth, cavities and dental malformations occur as a result of malnutrition, which is actually exaggerated by chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals and fluoride. Western foods are not only deficient in vitamins and minerals, but they also contain chemicals which impair the utilization of nutrients in the body. Tooth decay is more common in pregnant and nursing women, because these women have greater nutritional needs.
Ah, so it's the municipal monsters who wanted to put fluouride in the water supply and tell gullible citizens that it is good for your health.  Don't worry.  Be happy. 

But it wasn't just the municipal authorities.  It was the chemical industry that forced it or bribed it on them.  And we've been paying the price ever since.  Though I must say that I see many kids today with large, healthy, full teeth.  And that is excellent.  It's a sign that at least awareness on the topic is alive. 

Yet there are things that people continue to consume that ain't so good for them.  Yes, the fluouride in the water supply is one.  People still eat sugar--donuts, cereals, candy, cakes, you name it.  So we still need to be careful.  Me?  Rarely, if at all.  Heck, I don't even eat breads. 

On fluouride, she explains the how and the why it is such a terrible chemical not only on bone, tooth enamel but also on brain tissue.  Ever heard how bad fluouride is on brain tissue?
Fluoride, in particular, pulls calcium and phosphorus into areas of the body that they would not normally travel, such as the pineal gland and the arteries, so these minerals are not properly used for strengthening the bones. Teeth too are bones. Fluoride can prevent the healing of cavities, because it disrupts the proper mineral usage of the human body.

It is most remarkable and should be one of the most challenging facts that can come to our modern civilization that such primitive races as the Aborigines of Australia, have reproduced for generation after generation through many centuries — no one knows for how many thousands of years — without the development of a conspicuous number of irregularities of the dental arches. Yet, in the next generation after these people adopt the foods of the white man, a large percentage of the children developed irregularities of the dental arches with conspicuous facial deformities. The deformity patterns are similar to those seen in white civilizations.” – Dr. Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 1939
One of the most demoralizing aspects to this fluouride problem are the lies.  Advised by their corporate masters deep within the pharmaceutical industrial-war complex is the instruction to peddle repeatedly the lie that fluouride is good for you.  So the city lies with impunity.  It's tradition.
On healing cavities, she starts off like this:
When provided with the right diet, cavities can heal. This healing process is known as remineralization, because it is a process of giving the teeth the minerals that are needed to repair them. The two minerals that are most important for dental health are calcium and phosphorus. To use calcium properly, the human body also needs adequate amounts of vitamin D from sunlight or fish (not the chemical type found in milk), and the body also needs magnesium from vegetables and nuts. In addition, the fat-soluble vitamins are invaluable. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E and K. These vitamins can be found in butter, eggs, dairy products, and meats. A healthy diet that heals cavities is the opposite of the low-fat diets that are most often promoted by the media, and the ideal diet is reminiscent of the Atkins Diet.
Ah, yes, diet.  Diet seems to be implicated in almost every ailment.  Her opening statement goes "When provided with the right diet, cavities can heal."

Sunday, May 31, 2015

5 Ways Corrective Lenses Break Down your Eyesight and How to Improve your Vision Naturally

by Marco Torres
Optometrists just like much of the medical community are fixated on short-term solutions which don't address the root cause of problems. Few optometrists will admit and the greatest majority are unaware that glasses and contacts are almost guaranteed to destroy your eyesight over time.Unfortunately, they're not trained on natural and preventative solutions that improve vision in the long-term because they simply do not understand the way the eye works. Contrary to popular belief, your vision doesn't have to decline over time. With regular exercise of the muscles that control your eye movements and visual acuity, you can reduce eyestrain and maintain or even improve your vision without any destructive correctional conventions such as laser surgery, glasses or contact lenses.

Practically everyone these days suffers from some form of refractive error. Yet we are told that for these ills, which are not only so inconvenient, but often so distressing and dangerous, there is not only no cure, and no palliatives except those optic crutches known as eyeglasses or contacts, but, under modern conditions of life, practically no prevention.

Few if any optometrists even understand the role of nutrition of even breast milk in eye development. Breast-fed children are significantly more likely to do well in measures of stereoscopic vision than are those who received formula during in infancy.

With one accord ophthalmologists tell us that the visual organ of man was never intended for the uses to which it is now put. Eons before there were any schools or printing presses, electric lights or moving pictures, its evolution was complete. In those days it served the needs of the human animal perfectly. Man was a hunter, a herdsman, a farmer, a fighter. He needed, we are told, mainly distant vision; and since the eye at rest is adjusted for distant vision, sight is supposed to have been ordinarily as passive as the perception of sound, requiring no muscular action whatever. Near vision, it is assumed, was the exception, necessitating a muscular adjustment of such short duration that it was accomplished without placing any appreciable burden upon the mechanism of accommodation.

While primitive man appears to have suffered little from defects of vision, it is safe to say that of persons over twenty-one living under civilized conditions nine out of every ten have imperfect sight, and as the age increases the proportion increases, until at forty it is almost impossible to find a person free from visual defects. Voluminous statistics are available to prove these assertions.

Roughly 2.5 billion people have perfect 20/20 vision. For the other two-thirds, more than 80% of vision problems worldwide are preventable and even curable. In developed nations, more than 90% of aging related deterioration of vision before the age of 50 is due to diet and the daily use of corrective lenses. Meaning the more people lack nutrition and the more frequent the use of glasses or contact lenses, the worse vision will become impaired.


1. Corrective Lenses Don't Correct, They Distort
The fact that glasses or contact lenses cannot improve sight to normal can be very simply demonstrated by looking at any color through a strong convex or concave glass. It will be noted that the color is always less intense than when seen with the naked eye; and since the perception of form depends upon the perception of color, it follows that both color and form must be less distinctly seen with glasses than without them. Even plane glass lowers the vision both for color and form, as everyone knows who has ever looked out of a window. Women who wear glasses for minor defects of vision often observe that they are made more or less color-blind by them, and in a shop one may note that they remove them when they want to match samples. If the sight is seriously defective, the color may be seen better with glasses than without them.

2. Corrective Lenses Injure The Eye
That glasses or contact lenses must injure the eye is evident through the principal of refraction. One cannot see through them unless one produces the degree of refractive error which they are designed to correct. But refractive errors, in the eye which is left to itself, are never constant. If one secures good vision by the aid of concave, or convex, or astigmatic lenses, therefore, it means that one is maintaining constantly a degree of refractive error which otherwise would not be maintained constantly. It is only to be expected that this should make the condition worse, and it is a matter of common experience that it does. After people once begin to wear glasses their strength, in most cases, has to be steadily increased in order to maintain the degree of visual acuity secured by the aid of the first pair. Persons with presbyopia who put on glasses because they cannot read fine print too often find that after they have worn them for a time they cannot, without their aid, read the larger print that was perfectly plain to them before. A person with myopia of 20/70 who puts on glasses giving him a vision of 20/20 may find that in a week's time his unaided vision has declined to 20/200, and we have the testimony of Dr. Sidler-Huguenin, of Zurich that of the thousands of myopes treated by him the majority grew steadily worse, in spite of all the skill he could apply to the fitting of glasses for them. When people break their glasses and go without them for a week or two, they frequently observe that their sight has improved. As a matter of fact the sight always improves, to a greater or less degree, when glasses are discarded, although the fact may not always be noted.

3. Corrective Lenses Condition The Eyes To Fail
That the human eye resents glasses is a fact which no one would attempt to deny. Every oculist knows that patients have to "get used" to them, and that sometimes they never succeed in doing so. Patients with high degrees of myopia and hypermetropia have great difficulty in accustoming themselves to the full correction, and often are never able to do so. The strong concave glasses required by myopes of high degree make all objects seem much smaller than they really are, while convex glasses enlarge them. - These are unpleasantnesses that cannot be overcome. Patients with high degrees of astigmatism suffer some very disagreeable sensations when they first put on glasses, for which reason they are warned by one of the "Conservation of Vision" leaflets published by the Council on Health and Public Instruction of the American Medical Association to "get used to them at home before venturing where a misstep might cause a serious accident." Usually these difficulties are overcome, but often they are not, and it sometimes happens that those who get on fairly well with their glasses in the daytime never succeeded in getting used to them at night.

4. All Corrective Lenses Contract The Field of Vision
All glasses contract the field of vision to a greater or less degree. Even with very weak glasses patients are unable to see distinctly unless they look through the center of the lenses, with the frames at right angles to the line of vision; and not only is their vision lowered if they fail to do this, but annoying nervous symptoms, such as dizziness and headache, are sometimes produced. Therefore they are unable to turn their eyes freely in different directions. It is true that glasses are now ground in such a way that it is theoretically possible to look through them at any angle, but practically they seldom accomplish the desired result.

5. Corrective Lenses Do Not Address Acuity Improvement
It is important to note the absence of statistical correlation between refractive changes and acuity improvements, which implies that other factors besides refractive changes contributed to the observed acuity improvements. Is it not only the sharpness of the retinal focus within the eye that improves acuity. Acuity improvement is a process involving several possible physiological and cerebral mechanisms. The most striking changes occur in visual acuity. Physiological changes are largely responsible for much of these improvements and these can never be addressed by corrective lenses and hence does not address the problem. Although optometrists use refraction measurements, they do not provide enough information about whether the reductions in refractive error are due to axial, corneal, or lenticular changes.

How To Keep Your Eyes Naturally Healthy
Perhaps the single greatest reason why people in today's society suffer from chronic eyestrain and deteriorating vision is the amount of time that is spent staring at computer monitors and television screens.

Your eyes are designed to move regularly. Frequent movement of your eyes is what promotes optimal blood flow and nerve tone to your eyes and the six muscles that control your eye movements.
What follows are several simple eye exercises that you can do on a regular basis to keep your eyes and vision as healthy as possible:

Look as far to your right as possible for 3-5 seconds, then as far to your left as possible for 3-5 seconds. Rest for a few seconds, then repeat this sequence several times.

Look as far up as possible for 3-5 seconds, then look as far down as possible for 3-5 seconds. Rest for a few seconds, then repeat this sequence several times.

Slowly roll your eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Rest for a few seconds, then repeat this sequence several times. Be sure to roll slowly - it should take at least 3 seconds for you to roll your eyes in a full circle.

Hold a pen in front of you, about an arm's length away. Focus your vision on the tip of your pen for 3-5 seconds, then shift the focus of your vision to an object that is farther away for 3-5 seconds. The greater the distance between your pen and the distant object, the better. If you are indoors, look out a window to find a distant object to focus your vision on. Repeat this sequence of going back and forth between your pen and a distant object several times.

Just for interest's sake, this exercise is used by some professional baseball players to optimize visual acuity, which is essential for the hand-eye coordination that is needed to play pro ball.

Please note that all of these exercises should be done with your eyes, not your head and neck. With this in mind, keep your head and neck still while you take your eyes through the movements described above.

Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight - Naturally! is an outstanding book that offers a comprehensive array of exercises and information that can help you support your vision. And if you wear eyeglasses or contacts, following the guidance provided in this book may actually help you do away with your prescription eye wear or at the very least, help prevent deterioration of your visual acuity as you age.

Beyond doing the exercises described above on a regular basis, another way to reduce eyestrain and promote your best vision is to use your fingers to apply gentle pressure to three acupressure points that can help promote healthy blood flow to your eyes and the muscles that surround your eyes.

Keep Blinking
Frequent and gentle blinking is essential to maintaining healthy eyes and optimal vision because it allows your eyelids to keep your eyes coated with three beneficial layers of tears:

The first layer of tears lies right up against the whites of your eyes, and provides an even coat of protein-rich moisture for the second layer to adhere to.

The middle watery layer helps to wash away foreign debris. It also nourishes the cornea of your eyes with minerals, a variety of proteins, and moisture.

The third outer layer of tears is somewhat oily. It serves to prevent the middle watery layer from evaporating quickly, and provides needed lubrication between your eyes and your eyelids.

If your eyes are not regularly coated with the three layers of tears described above, they will be deprived of ongoing nourishment and cleansing, and they will be unnecessarily strained.

One of the reasons why many of us don't blink as often as we should is that we don't see frequent blinking in mainstream media. Actors and anchor-people are typically trained to blink as infrequently as possible, so when we take in most forms of media, our subconscious minds learn that it isn't normal to blink frequently.

To optimally support your eyes and vision, it's best to blink softly every two to four seconds, which translates to about fifteen to thirty blinks per minute. By consciously making an effort to softly blink at this rate, over time, your body will turn your conscious efforts into a subconscious habit.
If you're thinking that such frequent blinking will make reading a book or viewing a movie uncomfortable, give it a try and you'll see right away that it doesn't take away from these experiences at all.

Here are some notes on blinking to promote optimal eye health and vision:

A soft and natural blink should occur like the light flap of the wings of a butterfly - this is a good image to visualize as you make an effort to blink softly every two to four seconds.

You should blink regularly during all activities, including reading, working on the computer, and viewing a TV program or film.

Contact lenses can discourage frequent blinking because the back side of your eyelids is not designed to rub over an artificial surface. This is one of several good reasons why contact lenses should be avoided whenever possible.

Some yoga and meditation instructors suggest doing exercises that involve fixating your vision on one object - such as the flame of a candle - and doing your best not to blink. Frequent blinking while doing this type of exercise doesn't take away from the ability to experience inner stillness.

More Visual Training
The following techniques, then, are based on these premises: First, that the art of seeing-like other fundamental skills such as talking, walking, and using one's hands-is acquired. Second, this skill is normally learned through unconscious self-instruction in childhood. Third, for many of us in today's pressure-packed world, the only way to keep perfect sight is to practice techniques of conscious eye relaxation. Finally, if the exercises are performed correctly for a sufficient length of time-in conjunction with a proper diet and a physical conditioning program-eyesight will show permanent improvement. (The corollary to this is that the stronger the lenses you wear now-and the longer the time that you've worn them-the more time and effort you'll have to put forth to achieve better vision.)
It's best to "palm" while sitting or lying on the floor, with your elbows propped on a cushioned surface. Close your eyes and then cover them with the palms of your hands, crossing the fingers of one hand over those of the other on your forehead. Don't, however, apply any pressure on the lids with your palms. Ideally, you'll "see" a field of intense blackness, which indicates a state of perfect relaxation. If instead you witness illusions of light, bright color, or patches of gray, you're tense to some degree. However, don't concentrate on trying to "see" blackness, as the effort itself will produce strain. Rather, passively visualize a pleasant memory-one that helps ease your mind-while keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed. The more frequent and lengthy the periods of palming, the more likely you are to school your eyes to reduce muscle tension, with subsequent benefit to your sight.

Pinhole Glasses
Pinhole glasses, also known as stenopeic glasses, are eyeglasses with a series of pinhole-sized perforations filling an opaque sheet of plastic in place of each lens. Similar to the workings of a pinhole camera, each perforation allows only a very narrow beam of light to enter the eye which reduces the size of the circle of confusion on the retina and increases depth of field. In eyes with refractive error, the result is claimed to be a clearer image.

Unlike conventional prescription glasses, pinhole glasses produce an image without the pincushion effect around the edges (which makes straight lines appear curved).

After prolonged use, the plastic grating should become easy to ignore. With certain eye exercises such as those below, pinhole glasses can permanently improve eyesight. Skeptics argue that no scientific evidence has been found to support them. Due to a lack of formal clinical studies to substantiate this type of claim by companies selling pinhole glasses, this type of claim is no longer allowed to be made in the United States under the terms of a legal settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, however empirical evidence suggests they do work.

This whole-body exercise improves vision, relieves fatigue and stress, and increases the mobility of the eyes. Stand looking straight ahead, with your feet positioned about 12 inches apart. Now, rotate your body-head, trunk, and all-to the left, throwing your weight onto your left foot while you allow your right heel to rise from the floor. Keep your shoulders and neck straight. When you swing to the opposite side, shifting your weight to your other foot, your eyes will cover a 180 degree arc.

Absolutely no attempt should be made to focus your sight on anything. Just maintain an attitude of passive relaxation, making about 30 of these "arcs" per minute. You should do this exercise twice daily, completing the swing from side to side 100 times. By doing your swings right before bedtime, you'll prevent eyestrain from occurring during sleep.

Although there's no scientific evidence available to prove that sunning helps vision, many people who have tried it testify to its benefits, particularly those whose eyes have become oversensitive to light.

All sunning should be done with the eyes closed. Sit or stand in the sunlight, face relaxed, and let the rays of the sun penetrate and ease the tension in your eyelids. This is a good way to start off the day, and even a few minutes will help. To avoid possible strain on your eyes, rotate your head slightly from side to side or move it as if you were using your nose to draw a circle around the sun . . . breathe deeply and don't squint.

Central Fixation
Central fixation refers to the fact that-since the central portion of the retina is the point of most acute vision-the eye sees only one small part of any object sharply, with all the other areas being slightly blurred. When you look at a thing, your eye shifts very rapidly over it to achieve the illusion of clearly seeing the entire object at once. To demonstrate this fact, look at an object, focusing on its topmost part. Without actually moving your focus downward, try to "see" the bottom of the object. You'll find that its lower details don't appear to be sharp.

A problem-free eye shifts quite rapidly and unconsciously while it is observing. People with imperfect vision often try to see a large part of the visual field at once, all areas equally well simultaneously, without moving their eyes. This puts considerable strain on the eye . . . and also on the brain, the organ that actually has to integrate what you see.

To correct this tendency, it's important to develop your central fixation by teaching your eyes that it's "acceptable" to see only one point clearly at a time. The orbs must learn to move and refocus rapidly, rather than straining to see an entire object at one sighting. You can do this by studying an eye chart, training yourself to look at the top of a letter on the chart while "accepting" an unfocused image of its bottom (and vice versa). When you can accomplish this easily, your eyes will be relaxed, and your vision will be improved.

Most of us rely on our vision to supply 80% to 90% of the information we process about the world. Our sight affects the way that we think and, in addition, the way we think affects our sight. (If you don't believe the latter statement, just remember that you actually see the world upside down...but your mind "inverts" the images so that they make sense!) Taking good care of this dominant sense organ, then, is obviously important. Will a regimen of eye-training exercises help you do that...and even improve defective vision? There's only one way to answer that question for yourself.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy. This article appeared in Prevent Disease