Friday, March 25, 2022


61 Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

"The body becomes a biological weapons factory, manufacturing the spike protein, a scheduled pathogen with genetic sequences derived from SARS-CoV-2"

If you granted your employer permission to inject your body with an unknown substance, then you may. be regretting the biological effects of that decision. 

If you got in line to get a vaccine so that you could travel overseas, then you may be regretting the biological effects of that decision. 

If you went to the front of the line to get a vaccine because you believed that we were all in this together and being first in the herd to be immunologically protected by a gene therapy the ingredients of which you knew nothing, then you, if you survived the first two weeks post-vaccine, may be regretting that decision. 

Why would you regret it, you ask?  Because of the long-term effects.  Okay, so tell me, Mr. Wiseguy, what are some of the long-term effects of the vaccine?

One long-term effect will be awareness.  It won't come readily or easily, but come it will. You will review and replay your decision, your deliberations prior to, and your fearful actions, and how, out of fear, you didn't consult family, friend, or doctor, or spend an hour or two after work in the evenings to glean an informed opinion that conflicted with the prevailing propaganda that lied to you by saying "the vaccine saves lives."  There are so many lies embedded in that one desperate plea.  

Lie #1: Vaccines save lives.  

No, they don't.  The COVID batches aren't even vaccines.  They're genetically manipulated diseases. Who would'a' thunk, right?  For me, the giveaway was the funder of these injections, Mr. Depopulation himself, Bill Gates.  The history of vaccines has been disastrous.  Even Dr. Judy Mikovits is on record saying that "all vaccines are contaminated.". In talking about the parasites that Dr. Carrie Madej found in one sample, Mikovits says,

Well, it doesn't have a purpose.  They could be parasitic because of Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, and Mycoplasma, mold, micro toxins--these are in all the cell lines.  We culture them in the laboratory, we grow them in fermenters, we grow them in antimycotics, antibiotics, antiparasitics, so you keep the parasite down in the cell line, but they're just taking all of that and injecting them into you, so, yes, it can be parasites.  
There's a great paper by Professor Gatti [a reference to Dr. Antonietta Gatti], and we used to use it in vaccine court, and what they did was scanning electronic micrographs, and you can literally see red blood cells from another animal.  There's all kinds of garbage in these things [vaccines] and there always have been

So even if you're getting pure, unadulterated medicine, contaminants are unavoidable but yet the vaccine manufacturers certainly have no incentive to be forthcoming with the full and specific ingredients.  The PR surrounding vaccine is run by unscrupulous top-dollar agencies that the military hires.  Buyer beware.  

Of note is the number of frontal assaults that were made against you.  First, the build-up of fear through a shock-and-awe scare campaign.  Oh, it didn't affect you directly, but it disturbed and troubled your conscience and stirred your empathy and moral expectations for competency in institutional care for the elderly.  Lying and destroying the truth was the first frontal assault.  This you endured because you know intuitively that the government lies to you all the time.  Up is down, now is never, left is right.  So truth is the first casualty with anything the government touches.  Confused and at a loss of information, the lethal incompetence of nursing homes gave you fear.  They needed that emotional cement of the loss of a lived associated with their shock-and-awe.  Do we have your attention yet? Months of this news were needed to move the story out of the realm of fake news to the realm of "this shit for real."  If a society can't take care of its elderly, the folks who brung us along in this world, that's no society at all.  It had the feel of collapse. We needed more information. It caused us to pay more attention to the reports even though we knew they were lies.  The lies came fast and furious.  Before we could confirm or deny, another lie would be introduced and get overlayed atop the previous six lies.  To clear these lies up, we either tuned the news out and relied on our own survival skills or we turned again and again in a fearful addiction to the headline.  We were locked in.  The mass psychosis was in full swing.  Mitigation measures seemed like a modest and moderate attempt to mitigate the concern, and to control the fears of others in a world of mass hysteria from hypochondriacs.  You see, just as no single medicine is the cure for everybody, so too does propaganda of fear operate on others differently. For many, ee knew that everything was a lie.  Everything.  But the fearful masses pushed many thinkers into compliance because we couldn't afford trouble.   Now we could inject an urgent warning about vaccines

Then we learn that Dr. David Martin is suing Joe Biden  What for?  Is this a lead-up or a lead-in to suing the other criminal agents of the government, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Debra Birx, and others?  Who is to know?  And why would he use his own money, time, and resources to sue the top figure of the executive branch of the U.S. government?  By doing so, does it cause all the cockroaches in the deep state to scurry for the darker recesses inside the capitol and around the globe?  Well, let's find out.

During a recent interview Dr. David E. Martin discussed a federal lawsuit filed on 3 March in Utah against: Joe Biden; the director of the Health and Human Services (“HHS”); the Medicare and Medicaid directors; and, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) Mandate directors.
Patrick Gentempo, creator of Covid Revealed, interviewed Dr. Martin earlier this month where he explained:

“The body becomes a biological weapons factory, manufacturing the spike protein, a scheduled pathogen with genetic sequences derived from SARS-CoV-2: a known toxin on the list of scheduled bioweapons in the US code.

“The injection does not stimulate any immunity to SARS-CoV-2. At best you’re getting immunity to the first variation of the computer simulated first spike protein that was first thought to be associated with SARS-CoV-2. The only thing you could have alleged to get immunity to was the first fragment of spike protein from the first model.”

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Does this make any sense AT ALL?

Who, or where, is the market for gene-edited beef?  This is the Nazification of the food supply.  For those who didn't get the injection, here, try our genetically-edited cheeseburgers.  

U.S. regulators on Monday cleared the way for the sale of beef from gene-edited cattle in coming years after the Food and Drug Administration concluded the animals do not raise any safety concerns.

The cattle by Recombinetics are the third genetically altered animals given the green light for human consumption in the U.S. after salmon and pigs. Many other foods already are made with genetically modified ingredients from crops like soybeans and corn.

The cattle reviewed by the FDA had genes altered with a technology called CRISPR to have short, slick coats that let them more easily withstand hot weather. Cattle that aren’t stressed by heat might pack on weight more easily, making for more efficient meat production.

The company did not say when home cooks or restaurants might be able to buy the beef, but the FDA said it could reach the market in as early as two years.

Unlike the salmon and pigs, the cattle did not have to go through a yearslong approval process. The FDA said the cattle were exempt from that because their genetic makeup is similar to other existing cattle and the trait can be found naturally in some breeds.


I mean these corporate boys have no shame.  The world has jnown for a year now that their vaccines, in fact none if them, are not "safe and effective," a description tagged onto vaccines by the industry.  In fact, it must be industry who writes

H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.  Check out item 2 under Subtitle I, "National Vaccine Program,"

Whether the phrase "safe and effective" was created by a government hand or authored by Pfizer's marketing department it is hard to tell.  

We all hope and pray that Pfizer has been caught, fined, CEOs gone to jail for 15 to 25 for mass murder, that compensation packages to the tune of $900 billion have been paid out and everybody can go back to work, back to celebrations, back to fun, back to taking care of themselves.

This is unrelated to Pgizer but part and parcel of the pharmaceutical industrial complex's war on Americans.  

"According to reports, $178 million went directly into doctors’ pockets while another $81 million was funneled into hospitals across the United States that were encouraged to push Gilead products on patients.

In 2019 alone, the data shows, Gilead paid off as many as 21,833 physicians to prescribe the company’s drugs to their patients.

Gilead also launched a $3.3 billion hepatitis C elimination project in the state of Georgia that has reportedly killed at least 249 enrolled patients, according to leaked documents obtained by Arms Watch."

They say it's rare.