Saturday, April 2, 2022


Stomach turning . . . .  Military turned circus . . . . Remember that Levine pulled his parents out of nursing homes before instructing COVID positive patients into nursing homes.  In case you forgot . . . .  This bitch has blood on his hands.  Is the whole "I'm a girl now" ploy designed to hide that identity and deed?  What, is it less expensive too pretend than to be on the lam in some Eastern European country? Plenty of proof is available on the destruction of the endocrine system responsible for sexual character traits to be damaged, reengineered, or spliced into something else or nothing all.  What better time to introduce girl dolls with a tiny pecker.  And people are shocked, shocked I say, shocked, shocked into paralysis.  Every aspect of the injuries and insults turning mainstream has Klaus Schwab's face on it.  Wearing a mask?  You do so for Klaus baby.  Getting a vaccine?  That's you paying tribute to the Bavarian pedophile communist.  Standing 6' from whatever? You've been Schwabbed. Quietly suffering some form of sterilization, genital shrinkage, heart palpitation, brain shrinkage?  Schwab, Schwab, and Schwab.  If your company forced you into the shot, your company is Schwab's BFF.


I don't like what she is reporting.

From Robert Wenzel back on November 21, 2011 (the dude was so ahead of everybody else): 

Dr. Pippa Malmgren has just posted on her website her latest analysis of the eurozone crisis. I will point out, again, what I have pointed out in the past. They don't get more insider than Malmgren.

She served as financial market advisor in the White House and on the National Economic Council from 2001-2002, where she was responsible for financial market issues. She founded Malmgren and Company, in London, England in 2000 and was previously the Deputy Head of Global Strategy at UBS and the Chief Currency Strategist for Bankers Trust. She headed the Global Investment Management business for Bankers Trust in Asia. She has an M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the London School of Economics. She completed the Harvard Program on National Security. The World Economic Forum named Malmgren a Global Leader for Tomorrow, in 2000. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, the Economic Club of New York, and the Institute for International Strategic Security. She was the liaison between the Treasury and the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, aka, The Plunge Protection Team.

Her client list is completely amazing. She is advising every elitist corporation on the globe. Take a look.

So what is she advising them?  Here's part of her recent client letter (my emphasis):
All the options [surrounding the eurozone] are bad and costly. Market forces are increasingly determining what the options are and foreclosing on options policymakers thought they had. One option which is now under discussion involves permitting a country to temporarily leave the Euro, return to its native currency, devalue, commit to returning to the Euro at a better debt to GDP ratio, a better exchange rate and a better growth trajectory and yet not sacrifice its EU membership. I would like to say for the record that this is precisely the thought process that I expected to evolve,but when I proposed this possibility back in 2009, and again in September 2010, I had a 100% response from clients and others that this was “impossible” and many felt it was “ridiculous”. They may be right but this is the current state of the discussion. The Handelsblatt in Germany has reported this conversation, but wrongly assumes that the country that will exit is Germany. I think that Germany will have to exit if the Southern European states do not. Germany’s preference is to stay in the Euro and have the others drop out. The problem has been the Germans could not convince the others to walk away. But, now, market pressures are forcing someone to leave. Germany is pushing for that someone to be Italy. They hope that this would be a one off exception, not to be repeated by any other country. Obviously, though, if Italy leaves the Euro and reverts to Lira then the markets will immediately and forcefully attack Spain, Portugal and even whatever is left of the already savaged Greeks. These countries will not be able to compete against a devalued Greece or Italy when it come to tourism or even infrastructure. But, the principal target will be France. The three largest French banks have roughly 450 billion Euros of exposure to Italian debt. So, further sovereign defaults are certainly inevitable, but that is true under any scenario. Growth and austerity will not do the trick, as ZeroHedge rightly points out. Ultimately, I will not be at all surprised to see Europe’s banking system shut for days while the losses and payments issues are worked out. People forget that the term “bank holiday” was invented in the 1930’s when the banks were shut for exactly the same reason.

I get it.  If someone agreed or agrees to get vaccinated [the more appropriate term is injected], then that person is dealing very privately and shamefully with the consequences known and unknown.  And we're all operating on limited knowledge, so shaming those who opted for the vaccine is stupid too since they're ignoring the circumstances regarding that choice.  But everyone is suffering.  But if you look at the grave risks and outcomes from the injection, you should be able to see clearly the demonic plan behind the injections.  

Take the issue of shedding.  All injections shed.  All of them.  What does that mean?  It means that your body packages up cellular debris from the injected cells and dispenses toxins from your body through exosomes.  These exosomes are highly infectious with a genetic match, meaning your siblings.  So if your daughter got the injection but your son did not, then there is a high likelihood that your son will be infected by the toxic spike proteins.  If you haven't heard, the spike proteins from the injection are the toxin.  The fact that the demonic designers of the Gain of Function, GoF, toxin come with manipulated genes that can age you rapidly AND cause debilitating disease that will cripple your production should not go unnoticed.  

But look at who the victims in this war are: siblings, families, babies, all the individuals whose lives and meaning have been enshrined in religion.  We're familiar with them in Christianity.  We've got the Baby Jesus, whose life and significance is celebrated throughout the year.

U.S., UK Sanctions Against Russian Oil Target American & British Citizens

It should be stunningly clear that U.S. and UK sanctions on Russia, particularly against Russian energy, ONLY HURTS WESTERN CITIZENS.  How so?  By paying hire prices for gas.  Farmers and manufacturers who rely on cheap gas to produce or get their product to market have begun cutting certain different product lines because production costs, fuel being one of them, have doubled.  Thanks, Joe Biden, or Let's Go Branden? 

Russia is not the real target of U.S. sanctions.

Michelle Obama being floated as VP to replace Kamala?