Showing posts with label Vaccine mandate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaccine mandate. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2022

LEIGH DUNDAS: "When something works, you keep doing it"

Monday, January 31, 2022


Rafael Nadal was a fierce competitor 10 years ago.  His matches with Roger Federer were terrific to watch.  But after what he pulled at the Australian Open in gulag land is a criminal shame and should stain his record and his name as a competitive athlete for the rest of his career at a tine ghat the sports press is praising his 21 Grand Slam victories.  The man does nit believe in liberty for the individual.  When asked about the vaccine mandates in reference to Novak Djokovic, he said "The Australian Open is much more important than ant player."  What a slap in the face of people making an individual and principled choices with their health against a poison that in the short-term has already proven to be the deadliest vaccine in history.

He's not a competitor; he's a whore.  And the fact that Roger Federer takes his picture with him casts doubt on Roger's reputation as well. 

Oh, I see why he was banned from the Australian Open.  He has just destroyed Nadal in previous matches, which should earn Nadal international contempt and shame for his pro-vaccine position as a way to cut his competitors off at the knees.  Wow.  Just wow. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Court orders OSHA to refrain from implementing or enforcing the mandate

Here is a decent summary of the courts.  

And here is a summary of the action.  

Monday, October 18, 2021


The organization that called for the “Sit out” is Moms on the Ground.

Bill Sardi has some important details: 

In California, Monday Oct. 18 is “California Sit Out.”  Parents will call their children’s schools to announced an unexcused absence.  An ad-hoc group called Moms On The Ground is leading the effort.

State funding per student is $13,9767 per student or $78 per day.

California State figures show that K-12 enrollment fell by 160,000 students, which is a 3-percent dip and the largest drop in enrollment in twenty years.

$13,976 per student per year X 160,000 students = more than $2.2 billion loss of local school revenues from the State. 

I wonder how much this sit-out will cost California.  And what is typical of LAUSD, California, and government, in general, is that LAUSD, and probably the state, already coerced most of its teachers and administrators to get the vaccine.  The LA Times says that 97% of administrators and teachers have been vaccinated.  I can't imagine that that vaccine is making teachers or administrators healthier and certainly not more patient and understanding.