Showing posts with label The Chronicler (@TheChronicler13). Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Chronicler (@TheChronicler13). Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2022

Check out the American bioweapons labs in Ukraine. Is this what Hunter Biden's laptop sheds light on?

This is a little dated back to March 11, 2022, but the issue is unresolved and is extremely dangerous for what it foretells for our future.  Check out the video below and keep an eye on the category "Location," where you will see where all of the pharmaceutical companies have bioweapons drug labs.  Shocking.  Not only does this raise the alarm as to what we're up against with regard to the monstrous vaccine manufacturers, but it gives credence to Vladimir Putin's raison d'entrer Ukraine. 

Be sure to check out Alexis Baden-Mayer's article.