Showing posts with label Silent Invasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silent Invasion. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2022

DEBRA BIRX: I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way.

So Debra “I’m Not a Doctor--Paisley Scarf Wearing” Birx relied on data primarily from Italy, South Korea, and China to apply to the United States' health concerns.  

Who installed Debra Birx?

EMMONS:  And she said that the U.S. did not have sufficient data to back up the plans that she wanted for lockdowns and for economic shutdowns.  She said actually that the goal was to introduce greater and greater shutdown measures but to do it slowly, one piece at a time.  She brought each new plan for the shutdown, such as "15 days to stop the spread," one little piece at a time, not revealing that her true intentions were to go much further.  She was literally advocating for boiling the frogs slowly, and we Americans and our rights were definitely the frogs.  At each step of the game when Americans would give up their rights and would say, "Okay, we'll do this little piece," 15 days to stop the spread, we all remember that it sounded so reasonable.  And it turned out that even when that 15 days to stop the spread was being proposed, by Birx and her team to the Trump Administration.  They knew already that that was just Step 1.  And in her book, she reveals that there was not enough domestic data to support this and that they were going off of data from Italy, South Korea, and China primarily.  Jim Jordan was questioning Birx last month in Congressional hearings and asked her outright "When the government told us that the vaccine couldn't transmit or we took the vaccine, we couldn't get it or transmit it: was that a lie or was that a guess?"  

if the government was guessing or were lying when they talked about "vaccine efficacy" and "vaccine safety" and all of these other things, Dr. Birx said that the government was, in fact, hoping, hoping that their plans were correct because they were based on domestic data.  I thought that she said that they looked at Italy, South Korea, and China a minute ago?  

POSOBIC:  They were hoping that the lockdown and the vaccine strategies would be successful.  

Here is the exchange between Debra Birx and Rep. Jim Jordan.
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15 seconds

15 seconds

BIRX: I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way.  And that's why I think scientists and public health leaders always have to be at the table.  It's very clear what we know and what we don't know.  

How can she say that, and one sentence before she recognizes that the leaders were hoping?  Their lying is the height of depravity.  There is no standard for truth in American politics.  It's all lies.  

JORDAN: So they were either guessing, lying, or hoping and communicating that decision to the citizens of this country?

BIRX:  I think they were hoping, but you should know in those original Phase III Trials that were done in this country that were only measured for symptomatic disease.  So we weren't pro-actively testing everybody in those trials to see if they got infected with mild or asymptomatic disease.  [Dear Ms. Birx: no such thing as an asymptomatic disease: you either have the disease or you don't.  She is a criminally insane liar.]  And so people had to present in the clinical trial.  So we never had the data that it was going to protect against asymptomatic infection.  [Have you ever heard anyone obfuscate her point better?  Some like Fauci will charge Rand Paul for not knowing what he is talking about.  But here Birx explains but goes off on a tangent.  This is your government.  Remove them.

JORDAN: I'm just struck with the irony that we've got government agencies guessing, hoping, or lying with the information they're presenting to the American people, and this is the same administration that wants to set up the Disinformation Governance Board, and wants to talk about misinformation, and they're the biggest purveyors of misinformation, false information, hopeful information but not accurate and true information coming from appointed experts, which again is the frustration that so many of the folks I get the privilege of representing have shared with me.  When the government . . . 

Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, COVID-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It's Too Late, Dr. Debra Birx, 2023.