Showing posts with label Senator Bill Cassidy Louisiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senator Bill Cassidy Louisiana. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Thank you, Senator Bill Cassidy, Louisiana, for Exposing Walensky & CDC Incompetence: No Data, No Show, Unvaccinated. Where's the Mandate from the American People for the CDC?

No data.  No show.  Unvaccinated.  Where is the mandate for the CDC then?  From a public policy agency that oversees the health of 365 million Americans.  

Over 75% of CDC workers are unvaccinated and know better than to put this poison in their bodies.  Also, over 50% of CDC workers are working remotely, many of whom are lab technicians not even showing up to work in the lab.  Shouldn't this be a clear example that the CDC is not interested in anyone's health but their own, so you should be too?  Ignore CDC mandates.  Ignore their advice.  And in general, ignore advice that turns out to be "do as I say, not as I do" and the policy of "for thee, but not for me."  Thank you, Senator Bill Cassidy, from Louisiana for embarrassing Doctor Rochelle Walensky, Director at the American CDC.