Showing posts with label Niacin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niacin. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

NMN seems to be the most efficient form of B3 for this purpose.

A little about Niacin. 


Niacin is one of 8 water-soluble vitamins.  Its number is B3.  And because it's water-soluble, it means that your body does not store it.  You get Niacin through food.  One notable source of niacin is tryptophan which can be found in turkey and other animal meats.  

Its key role is in the formation of NAD and NADP, which help your body process components from food into usable energy.  

Your body can make Niacin through tryptophan.  

Why take Niacin?

One, we need it.  It's a B vitamin, B3, that improves circulation in all vessels--arteries, veins, capillaries, arterioles, et al.  The circulation improves the skin and the health of organs.  

We may not know it, but we take Niacin to increase the NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), the active coenzyme form of vitamin B3, involved in most of the body's essential functions.  NAD helps boost energy, improve mental clarity, and promote a youthful appearance.

It's the NAD that we're all after.  That's where the anti-aging magic occurs.

The Qyral Team explains that,

You can take NMN, niacinamide, or even niacin, which are small enough to get into your cells, break down, and convert into NAD+ naturally. NMN seems to be the most efficient form of B3 for this purpose.

The Qyral Team says,

Niacin is good for helping cholesterol levels.  It raises HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.  One downside is that it causes skin flushing and rashes in some people.  It is generally  harmless, but not everyone likes the effect. 

Some food sources of Niacin are

Niacin is found in both plant and animal foods. Lean red meat, poultry, and liver contain high levels of both niacin and tryptophan and, together with legumes, are important sources of the vitamin. Peanut butter is an excellent source of niacin. Cheese and eggs are relatively poor sources of preformed niacin, but these high-protein foods contain ample amounts of tryptophan and therefore have a high niacin equivalent. Fruits and vegetables provide useful amounts, depending upon the dietary intake. Other useful sources are whole grain cereals, bread, tea, and coffee. Predominantly in maize and other cereals, vitamin occurs in an unabsorbable form called niacytin. The milling of cereals removes most of the niacin since it is concentrated in the aleurone and germ layers. 

Coffee, raw peanuts, and Cornflakes contain the highest sources of niacin in food. 

Niacinamide is also a form of vitamin B3, but it’s slightly different from niacin.  Niacinamide is the vitamin B3 that you get from meat and poultry.  In other words, it comes from animal-based foods.  

Many grain products are also fortified with it.  You can take NMN, niacinamide, or even niacin, which are small enough to get into your cells, break down, and convert into NAD+ naturally. NMN seems to be the most efficient form of B3 for this purpose.

NAD+ is also required for sirtuins to do their thing.  Sirtuins are proteins that help us live longer and can help us stay thin.  Learn more about sirtuins in this blog post.  

Niacin is a major component of NAD and NADP, two coenzymes involved in cellular metabolism.  NMN plays a role in producing NAD+ and NADP.


NMN can increase muscle function in older men. 

NMN has anti-aging properties because it helps our bodies produce NAD+.  NAD+ (NICOTINAMIDE ADENINE DINUCLEOTIDE) IS THE STUFF WE WANT.  

Qyral Team explains that,

All of these forms of B3 have benefits, but NAD+ is what we ultimately want.  Your cells need NAD to function.  It’s a molecule that helps your body turn food into energy.  You need that energy for moving and thinking, which slow down as you age.  Healthy cells mean your body can more easily repair itself.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"TBI can be attenuated by vitamin B-12 treatment through its beneficial role on axon regeneration after nerve injury."

Okay, so this should be of help to those trying to fix this and that.  I'm not familiar with those two drugs--Ribavirin and Telbivudine--but I am familiar with B12 and B3, Niacin.  Niacin has already been proven to be an effective anti-COVID symptom therapy.  It is often referred in the literature to a clot buster.  In addition, it keeps any of the spike proteins from adhering to tissue.  So if you've taken the vaccine, this is one function that you'll want to avail yourself of.  The other compound, B-12, is almost exclusively an excellent nerve tonic and nerve regenerator.  Yep, a nerve regenerator.  In this era of COVID, we hear a lot about muscle wasting and shrinkage, like brain shrinkage.  Well, B12 maintains brain volume if you take it regularly.  One of the benefits of eating nutrient dense animal protein is that you're getting adequate B-12.  NCBI reports that 

Vitamin B12 has been reported to promote axon growth of neuronal cells after peripheral nerve injury, which is currently used for the treatment of peripheral nerve damage in the clinical trial. Thus, we hypothesized that TBI can be attenuated by vitamin B-12 treatment through its beneficial role on axon regeneration after nerve injury. 

So if you're looking for a compound to regrow nerve tissue, look no further than B12.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


This is 3 hours long. Who has the time?  Listen to what you can, and you will learn a lot about the importance of Niacin and its flush and how it helps to expel toxins from the cells.  

The Niacin flush creates a thermogenesis response.  Your body needs energy to detox.  Inflammation over accumulates which uses up the Butyrate into down-regulation into silencing of this Niacin GPR 109A receptor.  Niacin should be used for Parkinson's too.

The niacin flush is anti-inflammation, a cooling down, a release if kinetic heat energy out of the system. It's not as hot there as it was before, The flush is literally blood-clot killing.  This is the first level of anti-inflammatory actions. 

If you're not tackling the inflammation, oxidative stress, if you don't clean that out with homeostasis metabolism that excess energy from the cells, it's going to accumulate and the more the cells fail.  With COVID, it's a rapid, complete phenotypic shift of energy.  The Niacin receptor informs how much Niacin you need.  Could be 10 years of little mini-COVIDs or one big COVID exposure.  If you don't tackle that inflammation, it leads to cellular failure.  If you want to get the inflammation out of your cells, you can only get out ehat it is signaling through its receptor. It's limited by the cells failing and not being able to signal as much.  

11:00. You talked about the first flush is so intense because

Where is the butyrate coming from, the colon rather than being systemically activated?  Rather than immune activation, you have butyrate being used as the primary tool.  Colonic Butyrate fuels the whole endothelium system.  Modulates systemic inflammation by the GPR 109A receptor. Intestinal homeostasis keeps butyrate in abundance.  Probiotics maintain GPR 109A in abundance.  Accumulative insults and over-accumulation of energy degrade butyrate, GPR 109A receptors, gut lining, etc. 

Kats' emphasis on niacin is different that what the mainstream says about niacin.  You need Niacin to make NAD, necessary for energy metabolism.  Molecules like NAADP get brushed into a secondary or tertiary line of importance.  GPR109A activates the flushing response.  People are trying to boost their NAD levels.  Institute of Medicine on niacin where they established the RDAs, Kats initially thought that the niacin flush was niacin getting into the cells and causing exfoliation of inflammation out of the body.  A fever response is trying to burn off fat of a stearified cholesterol.  Also when you exercise and release energy bonds that counter out free radicals and kinetic energy that goes downstream and you push it out, and that is what Niacin is doing.  Exercise allows you to exorcise excess energy out of the body.

Dietician, Jennifer Depew, explains the importance of niacin and references Dr. Kats's site.

Niacin (nicotinic acid) Protocol against COVID-19, shared with permission of the author, Dmitry Kats, Ph.D. *His website:  *The apples and antihistamines can decrease the flush effect if it seems like too much and should be fine at other times of the day, than taken with or shortly after the niacin dose.

I like what Dr. Kats says here on his website,

Efficiently restores health from remnant damage in long-haulers.  Reduces inflammation, cholesterol, aches & pains.  Increases blood oxygen levels, increases energy, Help heal lung tissue, vessels, and much more. 

FYI, Kats does point you to his other website,  There he offers a membership with a forum where you can comment and leave posts and whatnot.  The beginning price is worth it.  Price to clicking on the "Getting Started" button, check out his links first to get a lay of the land.  Kats says at the 40:25 mark to look up "kidney-niacin research."  Not great or specific direction, but okay.  I knew about kidney and baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, but never heard about how Niacin AND Baking Soda have a powerful effect on the kidneys.  I thought his point about how COVID was exhausting the kidneys was good.  I am just having a hard time figuring out where he's coming from: purely nutritional compound, or does he have some special insight about COVID-19 that I've not heard yet?  I'll have to keep searching his sites.  

This was interesting

Supplementation with daily low-dose niacin reliably reverses a large amount of the functional loss. This simple treatment is effective and critically important. Mortality rates with CKD are striking, as the 5-year survival rate for patients doing long-term dialysis is 35% compared to 25% in those with diabetes [T2DM] in the USA. 

I have now personally observed more than 25 documented cases of individuals having their CKD progression not only halted but reversed with the addition of 3 to 5 cents worth of niacin, per day (with 1.8-2.4g/day sodium-bicarbonate with/without 250-500mg/day calcium-carbonate). 

I did not know this about phosphorous.

I was lucky to have been mentored by Dr. William F. Finn. [46]. Even if a patient has not already been scheduled for dialysis, he explained, and especially if they are currently on dialysis, you must get the serum phosphorus down. Excessive phosphorous is toxic to the kidneys as well as virtually every organ system and the entire body. [47,48] Phosphorus is a primary initiator of vascular calcification, among several other pathologies. If the kidneys start to lose a certain fraction of their normal function, the body can no longer efficiently clear phosphorous. When phosphorous serum levels reach abnormal levels, then you begin to saturate the tissues. Then phosphorous binds to calcium and it's the phosphorous, not the calcium that starts the pathology leading to calcium phosphate stones. 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Cardiac arrest is an electrical problem; a heart attack is a plumbing problem

I liked the distinction between the different kinds of heart problems--cardiac arrest, which is an electrical problem with the heart, and heart attack, which is a plumbing issue.  

Though her accent distracted me at first, she does a good job of the basics, for which I am very grateful.  

To address the plumbing aspect of your heart, or circulation, use niacin, B3.  

For electrical problems with your heart, take vitamin C.  

For a little context, consider this from Bill Sardi

Every day in the U.S. over 1,000 people experience a sudden cardiac arrest.  And another 1,000 occur throughout Europe daily.  As researchers report from the Amsterdam in the Netherlands, only half of these patients arrive at the hospital alive.  And 50% of these survivors will still die or be severely disabled due to what is called posts-cardiac arrest syndrome. 

There is no effective therapy to improve prognosis and death. 

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome involves brain damage, heart failure and death, all induced by massive overwhelming oxygen free radicals generated from unpaired electrons. 

Vitamin C is the great electron donor in the human body.  [Tom Levy, M.D.,, August 19, 2013].  Vitamin C counters oxygen-induced cell and tissue injury.  A video explanation of electron-donor/vitamin C therapy is available online.  [Riordan Clinic IVC and Cancer Symposium, March 4, 2011].  

From his Peak Energy site, Dr. Levy notes that 

magnesium is the natural antidote for the root cause of all pathological damage from every disease and poisoning known to man.

Vitamin C makes all normal cells stronger

Vitamin C kills cancer cells

Generally speaking, the more vitamin C, the better

With all else being equal, those are some stunning facts about two very powerful compounds, facts that should compel you to incorporate in your vitamin regimen these nutritional elements. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018


First, a little background on Niacin.  Niacin is vitamin B3.
Niacin (or nicotinic acid) is another name for vitamin B3, which is 1 of 8 B vitamins needed by the body to break down fats and proteins and to convert carbohydrates into energy. There are two other forms of niacin, nicotinamide (or niacinamide) and inositol hexanicotinate, which serve as sources of vitamin B3. This is why they can be referred to as "niacin." What many people fail to realize, however, is that these forms of niacin do not work in the same way as niacin.
from Dr. David Williamson on "The Many Benefits of Niacin"

Niacin (or nicotinic acid as it’s referred to in medical circles) was the third B vitamin to be discovered (hence the name B3). It wasn’t until about 1943, though, that a couple of doctors reported that niacin worked wonders in relieving the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, their research was never well publicized, since that was around the time that drug companies were promoting their own miracle “cure” for arthritis—cortisone.
Niacin has a unique characteristic. If you haven’t experienced it personally, you’ve probably heard about the “flush” niacin can cause. As little as 50 mg of niacin can cause a flush in some people. While not dangerous, it can be uncomfortable, or even alarming, if you aren’t prepared for it. (Personally, I somewhat enjoy the sensation.)
Niacin causes the blood vessels to dilate or open up near the skin, which results in a hot, tingling sensation accompanied by a red flushing of the skin. Generally, by starting with low amounts of niacin (50 to 100 mg a day) and gradually increasing the dosage, a person can quickly build up a tolerance and avoid the flush. Taking niacin immediately following a meal will also lessen the flushing sensation. (Niacinamide, the alkaline form of niacin, doesn’t cause flushing and it works just as well for most things.)
Since niacin isn’t something that drug companies can patent, it’s of little interest to them. But whatever you do, don’t overlook niacin’s potential just because it’s been around so long, or because it sounds like too simple of a solution.
Keep in mind that all of the B vitamins actually work in conjunction with each other—which means you can expect better results if you take niacin or niacinamide along with a good multivitamin that contains a broad balance of B vitamins.
Several researchers have reported excellent results in arthritic patients using niacinamide. While niacin opens up the blood vessels near the surface and causes a flushing sensation, niacinamide only opens up the deep blood vessels like those surrounding the joints.
In cases of moderate arthritis, outstanding results have been produced by taking 1,000 to 1,500 mg a day. In more severe cases, as much as 3,000 mg to 4,000 mg have been recommended. In all instances, here and in the recommendations listed below, the dosage should be divided into five or six doses spread throughout the day rather than all at once. It should also be taken with the knowledge and supervision of your nutritionally oriented doctor.
One of the most effective and least expensive ways to lower blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) is to take 1,000 to 3,000 mg of niacin a day.
Patients using 1,000 mg the first day, 2,000 mg the second day, and 3,000 mg each day thereafter have seen as much as a 25 percent reduction in cholesterol levels, and a 50 percent reduction in triglycerides. (Blood lipid reduction is one case where niacinamide is not as effective as niacin.)
Heart patients on niacin treatment had less illness and lower death rates after five years when contrasted to those not using niacin. An even more astounding study revealed that niacin treatment actually reversed signs of heart disease in patients who had genetically related cholesterol problems.
Niacin lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. It reduces the blood fats called “very low-density lipoproteins,” which have been linked to heart disease and cancer. It improves the blood sugar problems that can lead to damage to the arterial walls. It dilates blood vessels, which improves the circulation to areas starved of oxygen and nutrients. The list of benefits goes on and on—and if that wasn’t enough, the stuff is dirt cheap.
Finish readingIt gets better.  And then buy some Niacin.  This may be the best medicine for the price.  The cost/benefit ratio is in your favor.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017


"One of the most potent forms of vitamin B3 stops the aging process of organs"

Having grown up active and sport-minded, looking to drugs or medicines to enhance one's ability was the greatest offense to tenacity and talent I'd ever known. And though into middle age, I can still bring a game of basketball even to youngsters; I am grateful, however, to the value of restorative medicine that comes in a pill, er, capsule.  Vitamin E is remarkable for wound healing.  I witnessed this first-hand with a cut on the back of my hand.  I cut open the E capsule and squeezed its contents onto my hand and in two days the wound had almost healed.  Incredible.  Truly.  

Then I learned of E's internal benefits.  It improves circulation and heals vessels and organs internally.  To what degree, how much is needed, whether it repairs all organs and vessels is hard to know . . . at least for me since I am no doctor. 

Then I leaned of B17's anti-cancer effects.  

Then I learned of zinc's ability to regrow the Thymus, the master gland of our immunity that sits right behind the heart.  You can learn all sorts of things on the internet!

Now I read about the power of B3.  What can it do?  Stop organs from aging.  Seriously.  What doses, what form of B3 is required has yet to be known, but I would definitely give this a try at least. 

HealthySustainableLiving has this to say: 
One of the most potent forms of vitamin B3 stops the aging process of organs and can only be described as restorative. Nicotinamide riboside is naturally produced in our bodies and studies continue to validate its effectiveness in preventing disease and regenerating cells.

When I read that I thought, okay, prove it.  I've heard terrific things about Nitric Oxide too as well as Benfotiamine.  Anytime distinctions are made concerning prevailing wisdom, either to debunk or illuminate I am all for. HealthySustainableLiving offers this in its review of the study.   
B3 is one of eight B vitamins. It is also known as niacin (nicotinic acid) and has 2 other forms, niacinamide (nicotinamide) and inositol hexanicotinate, which have different effects from niacin.
B Vitamins are good for us.  We all know this.  But what forms of B do we get on a daily basis through our food or supplement industry?  Do you know?  Not everyone does.  
An earlier study reviewed at involved researchers at Harvard University and the University of NSW, Sydney. Published in the scientific journal Cell, the landmark paper was one of the first to provide valuable insights into Nicotinamide's brain performance and anti-aging.
Okay, now that's promising.  Nicotinamide provides enhanced brain function as well as anti-aging abilities.  Nicotinamide riboside is a chemical precursor to B3.  
Nicotinamide riboside is naturally produced in our bodies. It’s a chemical compound which acts as a precursor to vitamin B3.
Here's why.  
Nicotinamide riboside has been linked to a number of surprising and powerful benefits. Foods high in Nicotinamide include Brewer's Yeast, Sunflower Seeds, Raw Peanuts and Beets. Interestingly Beet Juice & Yeast have been shown to have remarkable cancer killing attributes. Possibly due to the sugars in the beets causing a beneficial form of fermentation to occur with the B vitamins in the Brewer's Yeast.
Read the rest of the article below.

Now a team of researchers at EPFL's Laboratory of Integrated Systems Physiology (LISP), headed by Johan Auwerx, has unveiled even more of its secrets. An article written by Hongbo Zhang, a PhD student on the team, published in Science and describes the positive effects of NR on the functioning of stem cells. These effects can only be described as restorative.

As mice, like all mammals, age, the regenerative capacity of certain organs (such as the liver and kidneys) and muscles (including the heart) diminishes. Their ability to repair them following an injury is also affected. This leads to many of the disorders typical of aging.

Mitochondria: also useful in stem cells
Hongbo Zhang wanted to understand how the regeneration process deteriorated with age. To do so, he teamed up with colleagues from ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and universities in Canada and Brazil. Through the use of several markers, he was able to identify the molecular chain that regulates how mitochondria -- the "powerhouse" of the cell -- function and how they change with age. The role that mitochondria play in metabolism has already been amply demonstrated, "but we were able to show for the first time that their ability to function properly was important for stem cells," said Auwerx.

Under normal conditions, these stem cells, reacting to signals sent by the body, regenerate damaged organs by producing new specific cells. At least in young bodies. "We demonstrated that fatigue in stem cells was one of the main causes of poor regeneration or even degeneration in certain tissues or organs," said Hongbo Zhang.

This is why the researchers wanted to "revitalize" stem cells in the muscles of elderly mice. And they did so by precisely targeting the molecules that help the mitochondria to function properly. "We gave nicotinamide riboside to 2-year-old mice, which is an advanced age for them," said the researcher. "This substance, which is close to vitamin B3, is a precursor of NAD+, a molecule that plays a key role in mitochondrial activity. And our results are extremely promising: muscular regeneration is much better in mice that received NR, and they lived longer than the mice that didn't get it."

Scientists have long used NAD+ as a powerful anti-aging tool. While trying to find a cure for aging, scientists increased the levels of NAD+ within the mitochondria. The mitochondria responded by increasing their performance and energy, which effectively neutralizes the effects of aging.

Specifically, nicotinamide riboside effectively delays early- and late-stage disease progression, by robustly inducing mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue, preventing mitochondrial ultrastructure abnormalities and [mitochondrial DNA] deletion formation.

A breakthrough for regenerative medicine
Parallel studies have revealed a comparable effect on stem cells of the brain and skin. "This work could have very important implications in the field of regenerative medicine," said Auwerx. "We are not talking about introducing foreign substances into the body but rather restoring the body's ability to repair itself with a product that can be taken with food." This work on the aging process also has potential for treating diseases that can affect--and be fatal--in young people, like muscular dystrophy (myopathy).

So far, no negative side effects have been observed following the use of NR, even at high doses. But caution remains the byword when it comes to this elixir of youth: it appears to boost the functioning of all cells, which could include pathological ones. Further in-depth studies are required.

Further reading here and here.