Showing posts with label Essentrics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essentrics. Show all posts

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Classical Stretch by Essentrics

I'd never heard of it until just last week.  It's called the "Classical Stretch by Essentrics."  The stretch is designed to straighten your spine.

Maybe I should let the site speak for itself:

Essentrics Workout

1)  A dynamic workout based on the theories of Miranda Esmonde-White that simultaneously lengthens and strengthens every muscle in the body, resulting in greater joint mobility and lean, long muscles.

2)  A full-body technique that works through the muscles chains, liberating and empowering the muscles, relieving them from tension in the process.

3)  A completely original workout that draws on the flowing movements of Tai Chi which create health and balance, the strengthening theories behind ballet create long, lean, and flexible muscles and the healing principle of physiotherapy which create a pain free body.

There are three basic types of muscle contractions and Essentrics is loosely based on the concept of eccentric muscle contractions.

Medical Definition:  Eccentric training is defined as active contraction of a muscle occurring simultaneously with lengthening of the muscle.

You can read more as to what Essentrics Stretching is about, what it is for and who it is for here.