Showing posts with label Coffee Enemas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee Enemas. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

U. of MINNESOTA: coffee enemas have been shown to increase Glutathione S-transferase (an enzyme produced by the liver) 600-700% (after just one coffee enema) --Wejolyn

The Coffee Enema -Part 2 of 2 by Wejolyn

Read on Substack

Very informative Substack article by Wejolyn.  She starts off with the benefits of coffee enemas during WWI.  
coffee enema was first used in WW1 when a nurse used the surgeon’s coffee in place of water for a pre-surgery enema. The soldier noticed a large reduction in pain after the surgery was complete and the nurses administered coffee enemas to other patients who also benefited. 

Why a coffee enema and not a water enema? 

Whereas a ‘water enema’ is used for constipation, headaches & other general maladies - a coffee enema is different.  A raw organic green coffee is used and must be prepared ahead of time.  8 cups of pure water to 4 TBSP of organic raw coffee brought to a boil for 10 minutes and cooled. I highly recommend S.A. Wilsons coffee as it has been greatly studied for its high palmitates - buy here - . If you should need an Enema Bag - buy here -

One of the key goals of a coffee enema, Wejolyn explains, is to "keep as many benefits of the palmitates from the coffee as possible.

After coffee preparation do not use paper filters, or any filter because we want to keep as many components of the palmitates as possible! Palmitates in coffee stimulate and detoxify the liver and blood. Every 6 minutes all your blood goes through your liver to be detoxified. During the coffee enema, that time is shortened to 3 minutes. The caffeine and palmitates cause the liver and bile duct system to release bile into the colon and increases the flow of bile. 

But that's not all.  She emphasizes that coffee enemas produce high amounts of glutathione, a key antioxidant that becomes a premium as we age. 

Cafestol and kahweol are natural diterpenes extracted from coffee beans. In addition to the effect of raising serum lipid, in vitro and in vivo experimental results have revealed that the two diterpenes demonstrate multiple potential pharmacological actions such as anti-inflammation, hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-osteoclastogenesis activities. The most relevant mechanisms involved are down-regulating inflammation mediators, increasing glutathione (GSH), inducing apoptosis of tumor cells and anti-angiogenesis…

This is gold. 

did you notice “increasing glutathione”? Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule composed of three amino acids: glutamate, cysteine, and glycine. It is a powerful antioxidant naturally produced by the body and found in various cells, tissues, and organs. Glutathione plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health but the body's natural production of glutathione tends to decrease as we get older. This decline is partly due to changes in the body's ability to synthesize the amino acids required for glutathione production and increased oxidative stress with age. To put it simply: most of us don’t have enough. There are glutathione supplements but they are expensive and again - must be assimilated and depending upon the person and their level of health- it is ‘iffy’ whether they make much of a difference. As a functional nutritionist I am always about wanting our own bodies to do the work, and here we find that coffee enemas have been shown to increase Glutathione S-transferase (an enzyme produced by the liver) 600-700% (after just one coffee enema) according to the University of Minnesota. Your liver uses palmitic acid as the chemical base to manufacture Glutathione S-transferase, what an amazing thing! Because of these two major detoxification aids of coffee enemas: 1. Clearing of the Bile Duct and 2. Production of Glutathione, coffee enemas can be extremely helpful for anyone experiencing a die-off or herxheimer (cleansing) reaction. Coffee enemas have been proven in studies to have hepatoprotective properties - meaning it protects against the progression of liver diseases, like cirrhosis and hepatitis. It is Anti-Cancer. Coffee enemas are absolutely amazing for chronic pain and are far better for the body than opioids and other addictive Pharma drugs. 

I'm sold.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Suzanne Somers, 1946-2023, RIP. And the Dr. Nick Gonzales Protocol: Diet, Supplements, & Detoxification [Coffee Enemas]

Within the Gonzalez cancer program, coffee enemas are used to help the body process the enormous amounts of toxic debris that can be produced as tumors break down.  --Joan Friedrich, PhD.

Suzanne Somers talks about coffee enemas, Dr. Nick Gonzalez, and the phone call he received shortly before his death.  And mentions CIA agent Mike Baker about the CIA's ability to cause turbo cancer.  

Here is Dr. Nick Gonzalez's cancer protocol

Detoxification is essential so that your body can detox well

A key component of the Gonzalez program includes coffee enemas. Although not commonly recognized today, orthodox medical literature featured these methods in medical literature and nursing manuals for most of the twentieth century. The Merck Manual advocated it in all the additions from 1897 through 1977, but then dropped it due to lack of space. During the 1920’s and 1930’s coffee enemas were prescribed for a variety of conditions since they help to stimulate gallbladder emptying and enhance liver function.

Within the Gonzalez cancer program, coffee enemas are used to help the body process the enormous amounts of toxic debris that can be produced as tumors break down. Whatever the individual’s underlying problem, people who employ the coffee enemas into their detoxification program will most commonly experience “flu-like” symptoms such as low grade fevers, muscle aches, pains and rashes, as a response to waste material being released from body tissues.

According to Gonzalez, unless the body is properly detoxified it cannot work at optimal levels or efficiently process the various therapies being used. 


In the above video, he mentions Dr. Linda Isaacs.  Isaacs' protocol is in line with Dr. Nick Gonzalez's.  


The diets are different for different people, ranging from nearly vegetarian to red meat 2-3 times a day. However, all patients must eat organic foods, prepare fresh vegetable juice, and stop eating processed foods, coffee, and alcohol. More about diet 

SUPPLEMENTS [see here]

The supplements also differ from patient to patient, depending on their health problems and biochemical makeup. The prescribed supplements include a variety of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and animal glandular concentrates.

Pancreas Product: The recommended pancreas product, made from pig pancreas and containing naturally occurring enzymes, was developed specifically for use in this program. More about pancreas product

Overall, cancer patients will take 150-200 capsules a day, including nutrients as well as pancreas product. Non-cancer patients might consume in the range of 80-100 capsules a day, generally with meals, the exact number depending on their health and medical problems. More about supplements

Dr. Isaacs also mentions Dr. William Donald Kelley who is known for his book, Cancer: Curing the Incurable Without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation, 2001.