Friday, October 4, 2024

MIKE DAVIS: If you can throw a president of the United States in prison for his official acts as President, you're going to destroy the presidency and, therefore, destroy our republic

This just goes to show you that Jack Smith is the political scud missile to launch against Republicans.  Remember that Jack Smith did this against the former Virginia Governor, Bob McDonald.  He made up bogus charges of corruption against McDonald.  He won a conviction. That conviction was eventually years later overturned by the Supreme Court, 8 to 0.  It would have been 9 to 0, but Justice Scalia passed away but the political damage was done.  They are trying to do the same play here with Jack Smith and President Trump.  They know that this case is a dog.  They know that two of these four counts have already been struck down by the Supreme Court [yet Jack Smith did not strip those two from his case] in the Supreme Court in the Fisher decision.  They know that presidential immunity . . . .  Yeah he put them in the superceding indictment which is just unbelievable.  I mean it's shameful.  We expect this from Jack Smith because we know his record; he's a partisan clown.  But this DC Obama judge, Tanya Chutkan, it's shameful what she's doing because the Supreme Court and the presidential immunity decision, a 6-3 decision, in June written by the Chief Justice John Roberts not exactly a Trump supporter, not wearing Maga hats, doesn't have Trump signs in his yard I can guarantee you that he even reprimanded Judge Chutkan for rushing this case, for rushing this monumental case for presidential immunity because the Chief Justice understands that this is so much bigger than President Trump, bigger than one election.  This is about the presidency.  If you can throw a president of the United States in prison for his official acts as President, you're going to destroy the presidency and, therefore, destroy our republic.  And the Chief Justice understands that, and that hasn't stopped.  This is like a Freddy Krueger case, Megan.  They've had both of their arms cut off; they they've had their eyeballs blown out; they have their leg blown off; they are just bloody and wounded, but they just keep coming back. It's like Freddy Krueger, Part 6 with this superseding indictment with Tanya Chutkan and Jack Smith.  Is it like Jason and Freddy, Part 15?  This is, this case is a dog, but it just won't die.  

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