Sunday, April 4, 2021

May 2020 CDC-funded review on masking: "No [. . .] studies established a conclusive relationship between mask use and protection against influenza infection"

from the Gateway Pundit

Masks are dangerous. They increase the incidence of dental cavities (Dr. Rob Ramondi), facial skin lesions, dermatitis (PublicHealth Ontario), and impetigo, a bacterial infection that produces red sores and can lead to kidney damage (Mayo Clinic).

Mask use by the general public could be associated with a theoretical elevated risk of COVID19 through…self-contamination,” states Public Health Ontario in Wearing Masks in Public and  COVID-19. “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain,” states board-certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell  Blaylock, MD.

They increase the risk of bacterial pneumonia. At an Oklahoma press conference, Dr. James Meehan, MD, testified: “Reports coming from my colleagues all over the world are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonia are on the rise” as a result of moisture collecting in face masks.

Masks are toxic. Most masks and face coverings, including cloth, are made with toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, including fire retardant, fiberglass, lead, phthalates, polyfluorinated chemicals and formaldehyde which those wearing masks are forced to breathe in all day.

Masks do NOT reduce infections. A CDC-funded review on masking in May 2020 concluded:

Evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial  effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

There were 17 eligible studies . . . .  None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask⁄respirator use and protection against influenza infection,” states a research review in the journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. The data is in, and it shows that  infections rose at the same or at an increased rate after mask mandates were instituted!

The Dutch Minister for Medical Care, Tamara van Ark, stated:

from a medical perspective there is no proven effectiveness of masks” (National Institute for Health, July 29,2020)

By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public, or by expressly  condoning the practice, governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the  opposite of following the precautionary principle,” writes Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. in his 2020 paper “Masks Don’tWork”.  [The reports on the futility of masks are legion.]


When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.  --Thomas Jefferson

Here is a video we shared within the past few weeks that provides an excellent analysis of the use of masks.  

I did not think that the video was a compelling argument at all.  Whom you really want to convince are the companies forcing workers to wear a mask that gets them sick.  

Next, below is a draft letter to share with your tyrannical governor or state Department of Health:

Dear Governor _____:

Last week the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared Governor Evers’ mask mandate unconstitutional. This is because passing laws is the function of the state legislature, not the governor. Instituting a law requiring the wearing of a mask in order to shop, attend school or church, or enter a restaurant or other place of business is an overreach of your authority. This would be true even if wearing masks reduced the transmission of a virus. But in fact, it hasn’t made any difference.

Despite the misinformation coming from the mass media, statistics now clearly show that the incidence of COVID-19 cases has not decreased after mask mandates were put into effect. According to Senator Rand Paul, a physician, some places with strict mask mandates have experienced a spike in COVID-19 infections. He recently stated, “Every one of the mandates – and you look in country after country, state after state – you look at when the mask mandates went in – the incidence went up exponentially after the mandates…There’s no science behind any of that…There’s no value to the cloth mask at all. It’s like wearing your underwear. You might as well cut your underwear up and wear your underwear as protection.”

Neither the CDC nor the WHO, has ever cited a scientific study verifying the efficacy of masks. Masks increase the incidence of dental cavities (Dr. Ron Ramondi), dermatitis (Public Health Ontario), and impetigo, a bacterial infection that produces red sores and can lead to kidney damage (Mayo Clinic). They also increase the risk of bacterial pneumonia, because they cause the wearer to breathe in his own bacteria instead of allowing him to breathe in fresh air. The incidence of bacterial pneumonia is on the rise, as a result of moisture collecting in face masks.

Many are toxic. Many, if not most, masks and other face coverings, including cloth, are made with toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, including fire retardant, fiberglass, lead, phthalates, polyfluorinated chemicals, and formaldehyde that are being inhaled by the wearer. This can cause cancer. Small fibers released from masks can be caught in the lungs where they fester and become infected.

As Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., stated, “By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public…governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the opposite of following the precautionary principle.”

So what you are doing is not only unconstitutional, but it is downright immoral. Therefore, it is your responsibility to end this mandate today.


Another option is to share a message with your county Sheriff. 

The County Sheriff is our last defense against tyranny by local, state, or federal government officials.  Sherriffs are not required to enforce laws that they believe are unconstitutional.  Some have actually stated that they will not enforce mask mandates.  Their contact information can be found online.

Here is a copy of a letter sent to Sheriffs in Arkansas:

Dear Sheriff ______:

Recently the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared Governor Evers’ mask mandate unconstitutional. They considered it an overreach of authority since laws are supposed to be passed by the legislature, not the executive branch. In addition, statistics reveal that mask mandates have failed to slow the transmission of the COVID virus. Not only do masks fail to do this, but they can actually be harmful to the wearer. The attached information my research on this issue has revealed lists some of the hazards of wearing masks.

It is a violation of our God-given liberties for anyone to be forced to wear a mask in order to conduct daily business: shopping, attending school or church, or even to keep his/her job! I hope you’ll have a few minutes to review the attached information. As a sheriff, you are the citizen’s last line of defense against unconstitutional laws and tyrannical “mandates” .

Please let us know whether you are enforcing this unconstitutional mandate. Thank you.


We sincerely hope these documents are helpful to those who wish to stand up to their tyrannical and abusive government officials who push masks when they just plain make no sense.

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