Friday, May 22, 2020

"calls [to the suicide hotline] increased from the month of February to March went from 20 calls to 1,800."

Thanks to Bob Wenzel's "The Lockdown Suicides" over at TargetLiberty.  

Dr. Jeffrey, I. Barke, MD, is a medical practitioner serving in Newport Beach, CA.

Dr. Mark McDonald is a Clinical Psychiatrist and Medical Legal Expert, practicing in Los Angeles, CA.  The YouTube video description explains that
Mark McDonald, M.D., F.A.B.P.N., a double board-certified physician specializing in adult psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry will share his doctor-patient experiences during the Covid-19 shutdown.
DR. MCDONALD [3:07]: A recent tragedy that happened in his practice.  A 31-year-old woman he'd seen for depression.  She was on a cocktail of medications.  Remote history of opiate abuse.  She was due to see him this week, but he received a call from her step-mother, who lives in Atherton, who explained that she had died.  She was going to school at Antioch College to get her Masters in Counseling, the school shut down as all of the schools have from K through graduate.  She had to return to her apartment, where she lived alone, confine herself to a small space, no family, no boyfriend.  She had no 12-step meetings to go to to offer support.  And she was under stress.  Unknown to me, she declined.  I didn't hear from her or the therapist.  She found a supply of Fentynal and overdosed.  She was found unresponsive by paramedics and she died.  Again, she was healthy.

DR. BARKE: But Dr. McDonald, this is a death that has nothing to do with the viral infection.  This is a death that has to do with the unnecessary economic and medical shutdown in our country.  And I know that you're just one doctor practising, but this is being repeated over and over again.  And this is not unique to you, but it is going on throughout the country, is this correct? 

DR. MCDONALD:  It's going on everywhere.  The director for Didi Hersch Suicide Prevention Hotline, who was interviewed by the LA Times in early April, she manages the entire suicide prevention network in Los Angeles County, a private practice, a private outfit basically, and the calls that increased from the month of February to March went from 20 calls to 1,800.  So if that isn't a signal that a tremendous number of patients and non-patients, just residents here in LA that are suffering such distress that they need to call suicide prevention hotline, how many more are out there, and how many of them are now dead or suffering in silence waiting to see me or seeing you, or seeing any physician that they need healthcare from . . . .

DR. BARKE: The mental health crisis across our country as a result of the economic and medical shutdown is quite traumatic.  And as a primary care doctor, I am seeing this in my colleagues as well, where routine visits are just not happening, both for mental health and regular health problems.  So I think it's a tragedy, and we hope the message gets out that we need to open up our economy and most importantly we need to open up our healthcare so patients can start getting the care that they need to prevent tragedies like the one that you are describing.  

Thanks, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, Billie Gates, 

It's true that some folks impose self-isolation, but when governments do it you know they're not just giving you space.

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