Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Prolotherapy Treats Low Back Pain

Thomas Dorman, M.D., of the Paracelsus Clinic in Federal Way, Washington, died unexpectedly on March 10, 2009, my birthday. He was 72. A most articulate individualist and patriot, Tom was born in British Kenya, where his father was a coffee merchant and during WWII helped supply travel documents for Jews escaping the Nazis. When communist Jomo Kenyatta came to power, the family moved to Israel, where Tom attended high school and later served in a parachute regiment during the 1967 war. Tom went to college in Liverpool and medical school in Edinburgh, and practiced in Canada before moving to America.

He had a newsletter, called Fact, Fiction and Fraud in Modern Medicine.  Unable to find his newsletters archived except for one or two.  Here's one on colonics.   

What follows are my notes from the interview below: 

1837, the idea of provoking scarring to strengthen tissue arose from a famous Parisian surgeon named Valpo.  This was taken over to America in the 1920s and 1930s.  The first article on prolotherapy, then called sclero -therapy, was published in 1936 by Earl Gedney of Philadelphia.  Learned by the Osteopaths.  Came into the medical arena in the 1950s by George Hacket who coined prolotherapy: Growth and treatment, a positive concept.   

h/t Lew Rockwell

He knew how to treat musculoskeletal conditions.  He learned too that

It has to do with nutrition.  His practice is entirely holistic.  He uses nutrition and prolotherapy.  

Who is a candidate?  He doesn't like the word candidate.  The people who benefit are people who've not benefitted from chiropractors.  He loves chiropractors.  Shocking that the medical industry isn't interested in this. 

Ask a physician what a pelvis does and the typical answer is that it's a birth canal and it's a device for hanging on muscles and ligaments.  That's a wrong answer.  

The right answer is the pelvis is a mechanical transducer of the forces of locomotion.  The human being when healthy is more efficient than any other creature, much more efficient than a horse or a dog or . . . .  We learned from the mechanics of he pelvis why it is that people are subject to this.  Typical scenario is a person who has a fall sometime later his back goes out by which he means his sudden accession/ascension pain from an unexpected movement he's very often deformed in posture and in severe pain that can be corrected manually.  But when it keep recurring, the ligaments are weakened and by prolotherapy we provoke restrengthening.  This is how these people are cured.  People can be turned around so that people's back won't go out anymore?  Absolutely. 

Cure back pain?  That's what he means.  9 out of 10 people when diagnosed are either cured or 70% improved.  These numbers are confirmed time and again.  Functionally back to normal with nominal pain.  


8 treatments cure a very large man after 2 months.  He'd been a delivery man and he was able to go back to work.  The guy was big and gave Dr. Dorman a very big hug.  It was embarrassing.  The man, filled with gratitude, was crying.

Writes Gary North:
I sent my wife to Dornam in 2000. She was having terrible hip pain. He cured her through one weekly injection for ten weeks.
The same injections were used by another physician in 1983 to help her with her almost immobile arm.  They also helped me with my lower back pain 30 years ago.
The simple treatment was developed by Dr. Milne Ongley of Australia, who also treated my wife in 1983.  The AMA did not approve.  No more back surgeries! He is still treating patients In Mexico.
I find this stuff fascinating. 

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