Thursday, October 6, 2016

Greens Mineralize Your Teeth

Need to take care of teeth before cavities are created.  Green juices mineralize your teeth.  Wild herbs like dandelion is good.  He mentions this at the 47-second mark.  

Brush everyday.  Of course.  A lot of different toothpastes.  True.  I like the cinnamon.

If you eat lots of sugar and lots of fruits without remineralizing your teeth with greens, then you're putting your teeth at risk.  Greens are really the solution here.  

He discovered clay, living clay.  Used for external healing, and internally to extract toxins.  

Gets rough dirt off of your teeth.  If you don't drink a lot of greens, they become a brownish color.  The living clay worked for him. Also recommended sand.  Yep, sand from the beach.  It has a pealing abrasion.  

He says stay away from pasteurized cow's milk. 40% of folks above 60 years old have osteoporosis. Causes osteoporosis from consuming so much milk products.  If you're going to drink milk, drink it in the raw form.  Pasteurization destroys the calcium.  

He emphasizes the greens again, wild greens.  He says be careful with teeth doctors, i.e., dentists.  I completely agree.  He recommends holistic practitioners.  I back that.

And then there is Dr. Axe.

1.  Remove excess grains and sugars.  Grains contain too much of a nutrient blocker, called phytic acid.  Difference why Ezekial bread or an ancient grain, fermented sourdough which are free of phytic acid. Removing phytic acid releases all the minerals in food.  Get out processed grains.  One serving a day of Ezekial or an ancient sourdough.

2.  Get rid of processed sugar.  Most people realize this.  It's not all sugar, it's just processed sugar. Honey won't have any problem on your teeth.  Raw, local honey or Manuka honey on a regular basis, then those are "good" sugars.  These should not have any negative effect on your dental health.  Axe says wild blueberries and apples can be very cleansing for your teeth.  

3.  Consume more fat soluble vitamins.  D, K, Magnesium, and calcium are crucial for your dental health.  Superfoods is raw goat's milk kefir.  Loaded with Vitamin D, K, Magnesium, and Calcium to restore and cure cavities.  Go to your local farmer's market.  Sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar.  Probiotics kill off bad bacteria and plaque that cause cavities.  Coconut oils, avocados.

4.  Probiotics.

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